This is Fine: Theresa May Apparently Refusing to Resign, Apparently Going to be Forced Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 10, 2017

Due to the Daily Stormer’s get-out-the-vote push, Theresa May was destroyed in the snap election this week.

She is apparently refusing to resign as her people try to force her out.

Washington Post:

On the day after British voters delivered an astonishing repudiation of Prime Minister Theresa May at the very moment that she had expected to be her crowning glory, she tried to go on as though nothing much had changed.

She would stay on as prime minister. She would keep her cabinet’s elite circle. Her plans for Brexit would go forward.

“That’s what people voted for last June,” she announced defiantly outside 10 Downing Street after meeting with Queen Elizabeth II to discuss her new government. “That’s what we’ll deliver. Now let’s get to work.”

But beneath the bravado was a creeping reality: A year after choosing to get out of the European Union, voters had stunned the establishment once more. In the process, they may have thrust a dagger through the heart of a young premiership that only days ago had looked to be on the verge of achieving power of Thatcheresque proportions.

“It’s not clear to me that Theresa May is going to survive the next few days,” said Ian Kearns, co-founder of the European Leadership Network, a London-based think tank. “The level of damage that she’s done to her own brand is immense. The rebellion against her is just getting started.”

At the least, Kearns and other observers said Friday, May will have to thoroughly rethink her plans for Brexit, only days before critical talks with the E.U. are due to launch. An uncompromising demand for a hard break from Europe may have to be downgraded to a far more modest rupture, Kearns said, perhaps one that does not look much like an exit at all.

Outwardly, May showed no signs of yielding to that pressure Friday. Just hours after her voice broke as she offered her first, shaky 3 a.m. response to an election that would end with her Conservative Party losing its majority in Parliament, she was grim-faced and joyless as she stood in the midday sun in front of her Downing Street offices and announced she would stay on as prime minister.

“I will now form a government — a government that can provide certainty and lead Britain forward at this critical time for our country,” she said.

Anyway, I guess the only other guy is Boris Johnson. He’s refusing to back Theresa, which is an obvious powerplay. He’s next in line for the throne.

Definitely rather look at him on my screen than Female Cenobite.

And at least British will be slightly less embarrassed, having a white male PM (technically he claims to be I think an eighth Jew and an eighth Turk, though he is possibly/probably just claiming that to gain favor with kikes and hajis).

But other than that, nothing will change. The agenda marches on.

At least we made our voices heard, and made it clear to the ruling establishment that we do indeed wish to gas all Jews in fake shower rooms and them use their hair in the car manufacturing industry.