This Tape is FIRE: China Drops Hot “Trade War” Diss Track Against the US

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 22, 2019

China has dropped an ultra-hot diss track against the US government.

The Jewish anti-China shills at Breitbart report:

China’s latest effort to rally the public for a protracted trade war with the United States is a “viral” song spread by the authoritarian government on social media, titled simply “Trade War.”

The song is ostensibly privately funded and repurposes the tune from an anti-Japanese song dating back to the 1960s. The new anti-American lyrics were written by Zhao Liangtian, a retired government official and “an accredited member of the Poetry Institute of China, which is affiliated with the Communist Party’s propaganda department,” as Bloomberg News noted.

According to Zhao, he paid a few hundred dollars to produce the song and persuaded other retirees to sing the chorus. He said he wrote the lyrics last year but was not motivated to record and release the song until trade negotiations between the U.S. and China took a turn for the worse this month.

The lyrics include such fiery declarations as, “If the perpetrator wants to fight, we will beat him out of his wits!” and “Trade war! Trade war! Not afraid of the outrageous challenge!”

Zhao’s “Trade War” song is just one of many expressions of nationalist fervor pushed by the Chinese government over the past few weeks. Bloomberg News noted Chinese radio and TV stations have been ordered to begin playing the national anthem at 7:00 AM every morning.

Imagine if America was releasing diss tracks on the reg against other countries in order to stir the people up into a nationalist fervor. With eagles and cowboys and guns and freedom.

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t resist it.

But America can’t do that and it won’t do that because America is no longer a nation-state. America is a consumer territory, filled with people of all nations, and we are told that we, the Americans, are somehow on the same level as people who have come here to leech off the prosperity our ancestors created.

You could theoretically draw on the patriotism of the American people, but that would be called racist.

The American people are white people, America’s history and identity are white history and white identity, so it is impossible to reference these things anymore in this new post-American America.

So instead of patriotism, we can get only saccharine platitudes about “values.”

And those platitudes must always reference some vague explanation as to why all of these foreigners have overrun our country – because being overrun by foreigners is the singular character trait of this New American Consumer Zone. Any sort of unifying identity or even cultural value system beyond “diversity is our greatest strength” is impossible, because the population is too diverse to maintain a shared idea about anything.

China is a racially and culturally homogeneous nation, and thus has a clear, shared image of what and who her and her people are. This necessarily makes her much, much stronger than post-American America could ever hope to be.

America is on a road to perdition.

It is sad and it is disgusting, but it is what is happening.

And the American people must recognize that we are now a people without a state, and that none of the interests spoken of when we hear of “American interests” apply to us.