This Texas School Shooting Event is Presumably Another Psy-Op

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 19, 2018

I’m fed-up and I’m going full tinfoil on these school shootings.

Yesterday’s was just too much.

How the fuck did this 17-year-old kid manage to set up all of these bombs and detonate them remotely? How did he buy all of the supplies without getting questioned?

CBS News:

The suspect in a deadly shooting rampage at a Texas high school Friday morning has been identified as 17-year-old Dimitrios Pagourtzis, officials say. Ten people were killed and 10 others wounded in the shooting Friday morning at Santa Fe High School south of Houston, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said.

The suspected shooter, who was in custody, also had explosive devices, including a molotov cocktail, that were found in the school and nearby, said Gov. Greg Abbott, who called the assault “one of the most heinous attacks that we’ve ever seen in the history of Texas schools.” Police found pressure cookers and pipe bombs around the school, one law enforcement source told CBS News.

Pagourtzis has been booked into the Galveston County jail and is being held with no bond on charges of capital murder and aggravated assault of a peace officer. Additional charges may follow, according to the Galveston County Sheriff’s Office.

A substitute teacher and several students were among the dead, law enforcement sources tell CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton.

Students described Pagourtzis as quiet and “weird” because a long trench coat was part of his wardrobe, even on days when the temperature neared 90 degrees, CBS News’ Omar Villafranca reports.

He should have been investigated just for that.

His motive is still unclear.

A federal law enforcement source said there was still an active search for explosives, CBS News justice and homeland security correspondent Jeff Pegues reports. Several law enforcement agencies are searching a mobile home less than three miles away from the school where records show the teen lived, CBS affiliate KHOU reports.

Investigators were in the process of serving search warrants at two residences and the suspect’s car, but they were using extreme caution because of the potential for more explosive devices to be uncovered, said Abbott.

Abbott said the suspect had information in journals, on his computer and on cell phones that indicated he wanted to commit the shooting and take his own life afterward. Abbott said the suspect “gave himself up” and told authorities that he did not have the courage to take his own life.



Pagourtzis posted the phrase “Dangerous Days” on social media before the rampage along with a pentagram symbol.

Two weapons were used in the attack, Abbott said — a shotgun and a .38 revolver, both of which were legally owned by the suspect’s father. Abbott said he didn’t know whether the father was aware the suspect had taken the guns.

Abbott said federal and state prosecutors would jointly handled the case. Two other people were being questioned, he said, one person who was acting suspiciously at the scene and another who he said may have information and needed to be “fully interviewed.”

I’m sure that the second individual will disappear from all of this coverage quickly.

A school resource officer was shot and injured in the shooting, CBS News has learned. Another law enforcement officer was also reported injured but was not shot.

Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez said a male suspect, who he didn’t identify, was in custody and a person of interest was detained and questioned. Both were believed to be students at the school.

Pagourtzis played on the junior varsity football team and was a member of a dance squad with a local Greek Orthodox church.

His social media pages showed multiple images of guns. He recently posted a photo wearing a t-shirt reading “Born to Kill” and there were also photos of a long green jacket with Nazi regalia.

Yeah and you see that and you’re like “oh holy shit, this is Atomwaffen.”

I’m still not sure it isn’t Atomwaffen.

I think if it is, we’ll know in the next few days. Probably the next 24 hours.

For those who don’t know, Atomwaffen is a satanic death cult which is being promoted as a “Nazi” group by the Jewish media. They have killed five people already, identify as a “terrorist group,” have been caught planning terrorist attacks, and are not being shut down by the federal government, which obviously indicates that they are either a fed op entirely, or are being allowed to operate with the hopes that they’ll commit some large scale attack that can be blamed on “Nazis,” which will then allow them sweeping powers to crack down on the Alt-Right.

The fact that he had satanic stuff along with Nazi stuff is very concerning…

The guy looks like Atomwaffen.

Here are some other Atomwaffen guys.

But I don’t know, I suppose insane people tend to look similar, generally.

Pagourtzis is also apparently a homosexual.

The pin he is wearing in the header photo is a symbol of “bisexuality.”

Which he apparently purchased from a gay site.

Although that doesn’t mean he’s not Atomwaffen.

In the chat logs, Atomwaffen had a bunch of extreme homosexual content. Homosexuality is satanic, and most if not all people involved in satanism are also involved in homosexuality. The leader of Atomwaffen, “Rape” – who lives in Texas – has his conversations with a tranny leaked, wherein it appeared that they were involved in a sexual relationship.

Not Good Whatever the Case

Even if this isn’t Atomwaffen, I think it has to be part of a fed/deep state/kike plot.

And even if it somehow isn’t that, and it is just some disenfranchised Greek immigrant dancer, it is going to be a massive deal.

I don’t know if they will pull crisis actors out of that school to join with the Parkland crisis actors. They may well do so, or they may have decided that there was so much backlash against the Parkland crisis actors that they skip that bit.

But it is going to play into the whole gun control thing big time, and Trump already cracked on bump stocks.

So it’s bad news.

Bad, bad news.

Please Talk About SSRIs

I wish that Trump would just inject the SSRI narrative into the narrative here. Because it’s a good narrative.

Those are the Prozac-type drugs which are known to cause violent, insane behavior, which are currently being fed to kids like candy.

And I guarantee this kid was on them – fed operation or not. They all are. I am not aware of a single mass shooter that wasn’t on SSRIs (other than the Moslems, obviously).

Pool Drownings

I listened to Alex Jones yesterday and he said that 10,000 people a year drown in swimming pools while only 54 a year die from school shootings.

The actual pool drowning deaths according to the CDC are about 3,500. Alex usually exaggerates by 3x, so that’s what I’d guessed.

I can’t find the number of annual school shooting deaths, but 54 sounds about right.

Whatever the case, it’s a massive disparity, and no one is talking about banning swimming pools.

Just like no one is talking about banning trucks, even though that has become the weapon of choice for Islamic terrorists.

Also, the murder rate in totally gun-controlled London is now higher than in gun-ridden New York City.

So gun control is a hoax.

It is about stripping people of their guns, because goyim with guns make Jews nervous.

Look for Anomalies

There are bound to be a bunch of bizarre anomalies surrounding this event.

We’ll be covering them here.

We already know about the second “person of interest” who has not yet been named.

And the whole thing with all of these bombs – they haven’t even given us a number on them yet, they say they’re still looking for them, but they have said there were both pressure cooker bombs and pipe bombs and they were both in the school and in other locations.

It is very, very unlikely that a 17-year-old would be able to do that, unless he was working with some fed-run terrorist group like Atomwaffen, or if other “deep state” agents were involved and he is some kind of patsy.

There will also doubtlessly be reports of multiple shooters. There always are.

With Parkland, the alternative media narrative of crisis actors and CIA psy-ops went mainstream, to the point where most of the media coverage in the week after the shooting was trying to explain how David Hogg is not a CIA actor. Let’s make sure that some kind of narrative like that breaks into the mainstream again.