This Whole Trump Giuliani Porno Bullshit Dealie

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 5, 2018


Here’s the thing.

I’m not the 4D chess guy.

But there is no way Giuliani didn’t think through what he was planning to say and say what he planned to say. And he’s not stupid. Meaning none of the doomsday scenarios being presented by the media are real.

Probably also meaning Trump wants the media focus on this Stormy Daniels shit – creating a boring “gotcha” that he knew they would eat up – because he knows people are exhausted and bored with these sex scandals and that not one single person who voted for him – not even the evangelicals – care if he banged this hooker.

It’s b8, m8.


President Donald Trump is suggesting Rudy Giuliani, the aggressive new face of his legal team, needed to “get his facts straight” about the hush money paid to porn actress Stormy Daniels just before the 2016 election. Giuliani quickly came up with a new version.

Trump on Friday chided Giuliani even while insisting “we’re not changing any stories” about the $130,000 settlement paid to Daniels to keep quiet about her allegations of a sexual encounter with Trump — a tryst Trump has denied. Hours later, Giuliani backed away from his previous assertion that the Oct. 27 settlement had been made because Trump was in the stretch run of his campaign.

“The payment was made to resolve a personal and false allegation in order to protect the president’s family,” Giuliani said in a statement. “It would have been done in any event, whether he was a candidate or not.”

A day earlier, Giuliani had told Fox News: “Imagine if that came out on October 15, 2016, in the middle of the last debate with Hillary Clinton.”

Not that I even care, but because the AP isn’t going to note it, I will:

Though the media is squabbling about when Trump knew, the story remains that at the immediate time of the payment, Trump did not know. I don’t think that fact is going to change, because I think it is probably true.

So the reasoning behind the payment would be an issue of the motive of Michael Cohen at this point, not Trump, which Giuliani would have no way of knowing. He is not representing Michael Cohen.

Whether or not Giuliani should be making assumptions about Cohen’s personal motives is something God can judge him on, but it seems to have been an off-handed statement.

Anyway – there is definitely no legal implications for Trump in Giuliani making an off-handed comment about the hypothetical motivations of Trump’s former head lawyer.

This is not a real gotcha.

Which makes me think – “hey, this was obviously on purpose.”

Trump said Giuliani was “a great guy but he just started a day ago” on the defense team, and the former New York mayor was still “learning the subject matter.” Giuliani disclosed this week that Trump knew about the payment to Daniels made by Trump’s personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, and the president repaid Cohen.

That’s also not really what happened.

Giuliani’s statement was like “he paid him to take care of business.”

Here, I pulled the exact quote, because AP is trying to kike you: “Ah, he didn’t know about the specifics of it, as far as I know. But he did know about the general arrangement, that Michael would take care of things like this. Like, I take care of this with my clients. I don’t burden them with every single thing that comes along. These are busy people.”

So he never said “he knew about the payment to Stormy Daniels,” as the entire media is claiming he said. He knew he had an arrangement with his Jew lawyer to take care of dirty business while he was doing other things.

Giuliani insisted Trump didn’t know the specifics of Cohen’s arrangement with Daniels until recently, and he told “Fox & Friends” on Thursday that the president was unaware of all the details until “maybe 10 days ago.” Giuliani told The New York Times that Trump had repaid Cohen $35,000 a month “out of his personal family account” after the campaign was over. He said Cohen received $460,000 or $470,000 in all for expenses related to Trump.

You see: he is actually doing all of this exactly correctly.

Giuliani isn’t fucking stupid.

How could he be stupid?

While Giuliani suggested Trump knew something about the payments, even as a monthly retainer, Trump had told reporters on Air Force One last month that he hadn’t known about a settlement with Daniels.

Again: that story hasn’t changed, because it wasn’t originally ever different than it is now.

It is nuts that even Drudge is reporting this like Giuliani did some massive screw-up.

Clearly, he did a media blitz and said a bunch of inflammatory, headline-grabbing things – but that wasn’t a screw-up… how could something that deliberate be a screw-up?

What is this thinking, that all of these extremely successful, powerful people are just bumbling idiots?

Never in my life have I imagined my powerful enemies as being idiots, nor am I able to picture a situation in which assuming your powerful enemies are stupid is a beneficial strategy. Even if your powerful enemies actually are stupid, and acquired their power through magic or something, it still is not beneficial to enter conflict with them under the assumption that they are going to behave in a nonsensical manner.

Trump’s irritation was plain Friday when reporters reminded him of his previous denial. He blasted the media for focusing on “crap” stories such as the Daniels matter and the special counsel’s investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

The president claimed that “virtually everything” reported about the payments has been wrong. He declined to elaborate.

It was the Trump team’s own missteps that yielded another day of headlines about Daniels.


That is definitely true.

But you know what? He wants that.

Every day is some line of attacks on Trump.

And look, I can give away secrets like this because the kikes believe I’m an inbred trailer park hick.

Here’s the thing.

I am sure that some form of polling has been done on what line of attack by the media has the greatest affect on Trump’s approval rating and what line of attack by the media has the least affect on Trump’s approval rating.

And I am very certain that as far as the effectiveness of these attacks goes, Stormy Daniels material ranks very low on the scale.

So: Trump knows he’s going to be attacked every day no matter what, but he has some ability to control what the attacks are about. So he does that.

That isn’t 4D chess, that is just the type of shit that three guys with 130 IQs can figure out over drinks and work through a plan on in less than an hour.

Some guys smarter than the guys in the media decided they wanted a week or more of the media talking this stupid hooker bullshit (instead of the current Mueller bullshit), so Giuliani went on a media rampage and tossed bait like a madman.

Trump then acting like he disagrees with him and blah blah blah – all part of the show.