Thought Criminals in Britain: Martyrdom, Jokes and a Victory

Joshua Bonehill, Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne, a pug dog and Simon Sheppard

Jez Turner
Daily Stormer
July 11, 2016

racist booklets on the rise

‘That which does not kill us, makes us stronger.’ – Nietzsche

The Legacy of The Nuremberg Trials


Herman Goering at history’s most infamous kangaroo court

It is seventy years since the Nuremberg Trials took place and to commemorate this the historian David Irving is giving a lecture tour of Britain on the subject. Seventy years since the Nuremberg Trials overturned every tradition and legal precedent, overthrew all common sense and upturned the ancient European sense of right and wrong. Seventy years since the reign of Victor’s Justice began and the defeated have been unjustly punished ever since. Yet the true Victors of the Second World War were not the Americans, not the Russians, not the British, nor the French, no, the only victors of the Second World War were … surprise, surprise … the Jews. The Nuremberg Trials were (((their))) doing, it is (((their))) ideal of pliable justice, to suit the need and whim of the moment, (((their))) need and (((their))) whim, and it ushered in a rule of politically correct ‘law’, wherein, bizarrely, ‘’The Truth is no defence’’, and under which we all still suffer and will continue to suffer until we are finally genocided out of existence. For that is the only punishment that will satisfy the Victors of the Second World War because, and make no mistake about it, those who lost the Second World War, as the Jews clearly realised at the time, were not just the defeated Axis powers, but white people everywhere.

The Martyr


Joshua Bonehill, defender of the British people

Joshua Bonehill had a preliminary hearing Tuesday last at Westminster Magistrates Court, and he is now due to appear at the Old Bailey to face trial proper over the five articles he wrote on the subject of Member of Parliament Luciana Berger and her persecution of British patriot Garron Helm. Helm was given a one month sentence over a year ago after she demanded that he be prosecuted for a rather innocuous Charlie Hebdo-style cartoon of the female MP showing her wearing a yellow Star of David with the caption ‘’You can always count on a Jew to show their true colours eventually’’. The prison sentence unsurprisingly has not made Garron Helm any better disposed towards Jews.


One sentence written on the internet result in a one month sentence in jail.

The articles that Joshua Bonehill wrote and posted on the web concerning this issue – a combination of articles, memes and Charlie Hebdo-style cartoons – were written long before his trial last year for internet postings and should have been included in the charges he faced then… but were not. If Joshua were a left-winger, or a liberal, or a Jew then the prisoners’ of conscience charity (((Amnesty International))) would be all over his case like a tramp on chips offering help, advice and campaigning for his immediate release. They trumpet to all and sundry, (do they not?), that they exist to defend all those who are persecuted or imprisoned for voicing their non-violent political opinions WHATEVER their political opinions may be. However, when asked by Lady Michele Renouf if they were planning or willing to campaign on behalf of David Irving the British historian who at the time had just been imprisoned in Vienna for telling the historical truth about World War II, they replied with the now immortal words ‘’We only defend humans.’’ So don’t hold your breath – ‘whatever their political opinions may be’ only applies to Jews or those who push the Jewish Agenda so we shan’t be expecting any help from that source any time soon.

david irving

David Irving is the only historian to ever be called an “extremist.”

Quite why Joshua Bonehill is to have his trial at the Old Bailey – the highest criminal court in the land – is anyone’s guess, but no doubt politically-incorrect humour is now considered as being just as serious as armed bank robbery or even murder, and such a wicked and troublesome thought-criminal as Joshua to be slightly more dangerous than a serial killer. Let us bear in mind that his original trial for producing some online cartoons that were tame compared to Charlie Hebdo, and that resulted in a three-and-a-half-year prison sentence which took place at the lowly Southwark Crown Court. Let us also remember that the public prosecutors were quite aware of all his online postings at that time and should have prosecuted him for them all then. We await developments with interest, but we do not expect anything like a fair trial and at present it looks as if Joshua Bonehill could well break the record for the longest prison sentence ever handed down in Britain for politically-incorrect thought-crimes.

The Joker

Gazza Gascoigne

Gazza Gascoigne is another racist threat to the British social order.

Descending now into farce, after months of deliberation the Crown Prosecution Service has now decided to prosecute the extremely popular ex-England soccer player Paul ‘Gazza’ Gascoigne for the heinous crime of, wait for it, cracking a joke during a show he gave in the town of Wolverhampton, where he said he couldn’t tell whether the black security guard at the back of the darkened auditorium was enjoying himself or not, because he couldn’t see his face.

Such chutzpah on the part of our (((secret rulers))) while not pleasant for those being persecuted, induces disbelief, then laughter, then anger among anyone who still possesses a sense of proportion and is probably the best thing that can happen for our movement, because it drives people, the best people, into our fold. A case, one might say, of (((them))) boiling the frog too quickly.

The Nazi Pug Dog


Police have stressed the dire need to address dog Nazism.

And there are signs that this awakening is already beginning. The howls of incredulity that greeted the arrest and cautioning of a Scots man, Michael Meecham,who taught his girlfriend’s dog to ‘Sieg Heil’ and other such doggy tricks, is perhaps a foretaste of things to come. The man filmed the dog’s performance and put the results on Youtube, where the video went viral achieving at last count almost two million hits, with comments being overwhelmingly positive. To cap it all his look of absolute glee, (the man not the dog), on being arrested by plain clothes police who clearly struggled to keep their faces straight will perhaps be seen as the turning point.

Simon Sheppard


In 2008, Simon Sheppard (right) learned that Holocaust jokes are no joking matter.

I say this because two years ago, political dissident, psychologist, and author Simon Sheppard had his house in Yorkshire raided by the Thought Police and the case has just come to court. The Thought Police has many names but is to all intents and purposes the political arm of the British Police and it is made up of those who haven’t got the guts or anything else it takes to deal with real crime. They are usually police officers who shouldn’t really be in the police at all, but get taken on in order to meet the affirmative action quotas and then quickly promoted into this department so they don’t get in the way of the real work – you get the picture; lesbians, feminists, homosexuals, ethnics all commanded by Jews. (Think SJWs in uniform.) Islamic Radicalism is not on their radar, but political incorrectness by red-blooded white men most definitely is.

The Yorkshire Thought Police is very much under the thumb of the Leeds area Jews who constantly fear another Clifford’s Tower, (an incident in the Middle Ages when the York peasants led by Richard Malebisse rioted against Jewish usurers, and the Jews rather than face the fury of the mob took refuge in Clifford’s Tower and then committed mass suicide). They therefore fill their days harassing any potential thought-criminal they can locate. When bored, they used to raid the home of the elderly Colin Jordan (NSM, BM and editor of Gothic Ripples), who retired to the area, but as he has now gone to Valhalla, they have decided to turn their attention to Simon Sheppard, who is something of a legend among British Nationalists.

Why is he such a hero? Well he rose to fame in 2007/2008 when he and a colleague Stephen Whittle, known as ‘The Heretical Two’ were prosecuted for uploading the Tales of the Holohoax comic book from a computer in Britain up onto an American website. Although the comic had been distributed without problem in England for 20 years previously by the Historical Review Press, posting it online had resulted in far more exposure to its subversive content and (((the powers that be))) decided to stamp it out. (It can be viewed on the website.) Although no American law had been broken, the fact that Stephen Whittle and Simon Sheppard had uploaded it from Britain was deemed enough (((by the powers that should not be))) for them to face a lengthy jail sentence. They both immediately skipped bail, flew to the USA, via Eire, and requested political asylum.

And what do you think the decision of the Government of the land of the free, the home of the brave, the Government of “Come send us all your huddled masses, your poor, your persecuted, your refugees’’ was? Exactly. They were both thrown into detention for a year as potential terrorists and then extradited back to Britain where they were given lengthy prison sentences – Simon Sheppard getting 4 years 10 months, (reduced to 3 years and 10 months on appeal), with the year in the US jail not counting as part of the sentence. If you’ve never heard of any of this it is not surprising, because (((those who control the mass media))) instituted a conspiracy of silence on the issue so severe that even the British National Party was afraid to touch the issue. On their release ‘the Heretical Two’ were feted as heroes by British Nationalists and the cheerful Simon Sheppard in particular has engaged in a hectic round of speaking engagements, writing and publishing.

So, being well known to the SJWs in uniform, so it was that he was raided two years ago as part of a trawling raid, where the police on orders from (((above))) took computers and every data device, but ignored a dozen copies of Lincoln Rockwell’s ever-popular cartoon book The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens. Presumably because charging him with ‘anti-hennism’ would be a step too far, even for them. (Read the comic book if you haven’t already, its about the ducks and (((the hens))), so breaks no law – Rockwell was Odyssean in his cunning.) He was arrested and later released, and no charges were brought. Move on two years to 2nd June 2016, and we saw the judge at York County Court saying that the decision to raid Simon Sheppard’s house was ‘’operationally flawed’’, the raid followed ‘’a decision that ought not to have been made’’ and that he was falsely arrested, falsely imprisoned and that although Mr Sheppard was a man with extreme views, he nevertheless is entitled to the protection of the law against the abuse of (((the State))). Boy oh boy, is this judge going to be in (((their))) bad books!

Furthermore he Judge awarded Simon Sheppard £8,700 in damages plus full legal costs! (This judge will be in (((their))) VERY bad books!) So you see, (((they))) don’t always get it their own way, people are waking up and realising what’s afoot. And what may you ask, is Simon Sheppard going to do with this £8,700 windfall? Well he’s already done it, he’s not one to sit on his laurels – he’s promptly had 10,000 copies of George Lincoln Rockwell’s Fable of the Ducks and the Hens printed off and is having them distributed to houses around York! As I write this three and a half thousand have been distributed so far, with six and a half thousand still to go! This is the sort of spirit we need. It doesn’t really get better than this. Until it does. And it will. For whites everywhere are waking up to the truth and in turn are passing on the truth. Seventy years has been long enough.

‘’The Truth can wait, for it lives a long time’’ – Schopenhauer


David Irving’s lecture tour on The Nuremberg Trials

David Irving Nuremberg: The last battle

Joshua Bonehill to appear at The Old Bailey

International Charity is Jewish

Garron Helm and Luciana Berger MP

Popular ex England footballer to face court trial for ‘racist’ joke

Nazi Pug Dog video has nearly 2 million hits

Colin Jordan

The Saga of ‘The Heretical Two’

Clifford’s Tower, York, 1190 AD

The Fable of the Ducks & Hens

Books by Simon Sheppard

Anna Frank’s Novel (1998)

All About Women (2nd ed. 2015, 1st ed. 1998)

The Tyranny of Ambiguity (2nd ed. 2013, 1st ed. 2002)

Sex & Power: A Manual on Male-Female Relations (2013)

More writings and work by Simon Sheppard can be found at: