Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 20, 2014

Saturday saw massive protests against the Jews on the streets of London, with thousands marching.
The Jews have really done a number on themselves with this public ritual slaughter of small children and women in Gaza. The whole world is revolting. Well, the whole Muslim world, but because the Jews brought all of these Muslims into our countries, the protests are happening across Europe.
It is the only worthwhile thing these weird Muslims have done since they invaded our countries. It was only a matter of time before they had to do something positive, just by accident.
Protesters marched from Downing Street to the Israeli embassy in Kensington. A police blockade stopped them from gaining access.
Whitehall, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly and Hyde Park Corner were closed.
More than 300 Palestinians have been killed since 8 July, officials in Gaza report. Five Israelis have died.
Before the event up to 15,000 people were expected to attend. However, the police were not able to verify how many were there.
The event was organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign and is part of a national day of action.
Labour MP Diane Abbott was among the speakers to address protesters as they gathered in Whitehall.
“I am here to show solidarity with the people in Gaza,” she said.
“We call for an end to the occupation and justice for Palestinians.”
The Jews are, predictably, flipping out like crazies, calling all involved Antisemites for daring to question Israel murdering hundreds of children for revenge.

The Jew Douglas Murray writes for the Spectator:
Thousands of anti-Semites have today succeeded in bringing central London to an almost total standstill.
They marched though the centre of the city before congregating to scream outside the Israeli Embassy in Kensington. It was interesting to watch this rather non-diverse crowd pass. Most of the women seem to be wearing headscarves or the burka, while their men-folk were naturally more appropriately dressed for a sweltering summer day.But what a picture. These are the people who stayed at home throughout the Syrian civil war, stayed at home when ISIS rampaged across Iraq, stayed at home when Boko Haram and Al-Shabaab carried out their atrocities across central Africa and showed no concern whatsoever when the Muslim Brotherhood was running Egypt into the ground. Yet they pretend to care about Muslims.
And here they all are, coming out to scream because Israel is carrying out the most specific and targeted campaign in the history of warfare in order to stop Hamas – a group dedicated to the annihilation of all Jews – from firing thousands of rockets into the Jewish homeland.
Wow, Jew. Is “the most specific and targeted campaign in the history of warfare” an admission that you Jews are purposefully killing women and babies instead of grown men? Because 70% of the victims have been women and babies. There are definitely historical campaigns of war in which significantly more than half killed were grown men and in fact actual combatants. For instance, basically every other war in history.
And you are protecting yourselves from rockets with a multibillion dollar ground invasion? What then is the purpose of this multibillion dollar IRON DOME?
Activism Opportunity!
Hey, here’s an activism idea – why don’t some of you boys in London or one of the other cities this is happening in and take placards with Holocaust denial slogans on them? You could easily hand them out to Arabs, and it would stir up some very good drama in the Jewosphere.
I would keep it simple. Something like “Gas chambers are a hoax!” You could also make signs with a dual message, one anti-Holohoax, one pro-Palestine, making the Arabs more likely to pick up the signs. For instance “Gas chambers are a hoax #FreePalestine,” or just put “Gas chambers are a hoax” underneath the Palestinian flag.
A bunch of signs with Le Happy Merchant would also be awesomely welcome.

“Hitler was right” would also be great, though you might have a harder time getting people to pick that one up. Well honestly, if you just put a Palestinian flag with it, they would probably go for it.
Please note that I am not even suggesting you march in the protest – I mean, you could, but that isn’t necessary. At the beginning of protests, there is always a spot where those about to march go to pick up placards – they don’t all make their own. You could make twenty or so – not terribly hard to do with a normal inkjet printer, some cardboard, tape and a stick – and go hand them out at the designated start spot of the protest.
You could also probably get them made up relatively cheap at a local print-shop, on higher quality glossy cardboard.
This is a good and low-risk opportunity for something which could do significant damage to the Jew agenda. These Muslims have a whole lot of energy, there is no good reason not to harness it.