Three Blacks Attack White Grandfather on His Own Land

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 25, 2017

Sure, Blacks commit violence against vulnerable Whites daily, but let’s not forget the rampant White on Black violence like…


That one sword guy that one time?

Fox News:

Police are searching for the gunmen who attacked a grandfather in his driveway. Home surveillance cameras captured every second of the crime.

Around 10:30 Tuesday morning, David McElhiney says he was attacked from behind as he was grabbing a car seat from his garage, getting ready to take his granddaughter to the Children’s Museum.

“He (one of the gunmen) said to the guy ‘Shut the garage and we’re going to finish the job’,” said McElhiney.

The video shows three armed men wearing hoodies running towards McElhiney. The gunmen knocked McElhiney to the ground and then pistol-whipped him over and over. A short time later, McElhiney says as one of the men grabbed his shirt, he was able to run across the street for help.

The 54-year-old has bloody gashes, covered with a bandage on the top of his head. McElhiney believes this isn’t the first time this group has been to his east side home.

Surveillance video from 2 a.m. Tuesday shows two people hopping a fence with a long gun by their side. You can see the two creeping around the backyard of the home and looking inside.

Just last week, McElhiney boarded up all the windows after he called police to report a burglary. There is shattered glass from doors and windows piled in the back of his home from previous burglary attempts. McElhiney can’t figure out why his place off 10th and Post appears to be targeted.