Three Blacks Rob an Armored Car Driver While He was Refilling an ATM

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 24, 2018

One of the suspects.

This is clearly a result of them playing too much Payday 2.

100% not because of racial behavior patterns.

Delmarava Now:

Salisbury police are investigating an armed robbery of an armored truck driver Monday.

Police said officers responded to the SECU in the 1100 block of Mount Hermon Road at about 7:15 a.m. after four men armed with handguns robbed a Loomis armored truck.

The driver was filling the ATM machine with cash, according to police, when the suspects approached him. The suspects bound the driver’s hands and demanded money.

They took off with the driver’s company-issued handgun and an undisclosed amount of money, police said.

In a tweet, the police department said the suspects ran north across Route 50.

A Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office K-9 and the Maryland State Police Aviation Division assisted in the investigation, according to police, but were not able to locate the suspects or any additional evidence.

Police said the first suspect is described as a black male wearing a black hoodie and black and gray pants. Two more suspects were described as black males wearing dark clothing and dark masks.