Three Monkeys Try to Burglarize White NASCAR Team Owner’s House

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
January 4, 2017

Sheeeit nigga y witey b so rayciss n sheeit?

Dese muhfuggan sports car honkeys iz redneck and needz ta lets us hav dey stuffs.


Authorities say three men have been arrested for breaking into the home of NASCAR team owner Richard Childress.

The Davidson County Sheriff’s Office identified the three as 20-year-old Niquan Victorin and 18-year-old Chantz Kade Hines, both of Winston-Salem, and 18-year-old Armeka Vantonne Spinks of Salisbury. They’re charged with attempted first-degree burglary and first-degree trespassing and jailed under $250,000 bond apiece. It’s not known if they have attorneys.

Richard Childress.