Three More Gypsies Arrested in Greece with Another Kidnapped White Child

Daily Mail
October 24, 2013

The trio were arrested today on the Greek island of Lesvos.
The trio were arrested today on the Greek island of Lesvos.

Three Greek gypsies have been arrested on suspicion of child abduction days after another Roma couple were charged with abducting a girl known as ‘Maria’.

The Roma were arrested today on the Aegean island of Lesvos, with police saying the trio allegedly tried to register the two-month-old boy as their own.

Suspicions were raised because they lacked sufficient documentation.

Regional police chief Panagiotis Kordonouris said a 19-year-old woman, 21-year-old man and his 51-year-old mother were arrested at a settlement outside the island’s capital, Mytilini.

He told Associated Press they claimed an unknown Roma woman gave them the baby in Athens.

‘They told us they didn’t give her any money, and that they met by accident,’ he said.

‘She told her that she had five children; they said that they are unable to have their own and asked if she could give her one.’

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