Three Nogs Kill 86-Year-Old White Woman During Pharmacy Robbery

Tim Hort
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2017

Yeah but White people do it too though.

Fox News:

An 87-year-old woman died Saturday after she was knocked down while she was walking into a Citrus Heights Rite Aid as three men were escaping after robbing the store’s pharmacy Monday.

Marilyn Stribley had been in critical condition since the incident.

According to the Citrus Heights Police Department, the men walked into the store on Auburn Boulevard, jumped the pharmacy counter and demanded pharmacists give them various prescription drugs.

After being handed an undisclosed number of medications, the three men ran away as Stribley was entering the store. One of the men knocked her over, causing her to fall back and hit the ground. She lost consciousness and when first responders arrived, Stribley had no pulse. First responders revived Stribley and she was taken to a local hospital in critical condition.