Thursday Night in Charlotte: With the Military There, Googles Don’t Kill Anyone, Media Calls It a Success

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 23, 2016

The bar is set very low for the Googles.

On Wednesday night, they rioted TO THE MAX, and killed one of their own people. A state of emergency was declared and the National Guard sent in.

Thursday, with the military on site and a midnight curfew, all they did was block a highway and riot just a widdle bit.

The media has declared it a successful peaceful protest.


This time, the protest had more handshakes and hugs than looting and fires.

On Thursday, protesters marched in Charlotte for a third night over the fatal police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott — remaining largely peaceful as they made their way down the streets.

Although the city had announced a curfew would go into effect after midnight early Friday, police did not force protesters to leave.

While mostly peaceful, a far cry from the previous two nights, throngs of protesters expressed their outrage over Scott’s death by circling the police department and the city jail.

They raised their hands to signify “don’t shoot” and lay down on the ground as if they’d been shot.


Googles are still claiming Michael Brown had his hands up when he was shot by Darren Wilson.

And they aren’t lying – they actually believe this. Because the Jewish media keeps telling them it’s true.

CNN goes on to find a google willing to admit that the looting, killing, random attacks on Whites, attempt to burn a photographer, etc. which went on Wednesday night was just a wee bit too much.

Violence rocked the previous two nights, leaving one man dead after police said a civilian shot him during Wednesday’s protest.

“A lot of community leaders were out there the entire time to keep it peaceful,” said Tyler Hickey, a University of North Carolina at Charlotte student who attended the protests.

“This is the right way to do it. Last night, we messed up. We let things get out of hand. But tonight, we were going to show the world that this is how we come together to protest.”

Some protesters hugged National Guard members, shook their hands or took pictures with them. Antonique Alexander went a step further, pinning a flower on a police officer’s lapel.


But it wasn’t all flowers on lapels.

There was still a nip bit of trouble, as CNN tells us way down the page here.

The night didn’t go entirely without incident.

Protesters briefly tried to block a highway, but were quickly met by tear gas and dispersed. Charlotte-Mecklenburg police said two officers were treated after protesters sprayed them with a chemical agent. It was unclear what agent was used.

But what do you expect?

Look at this evil White cops:

At the beginning of the night, protesters held a vigil for Justin Carr, 26, the man shot during Wednesday’s protests. They stood at the corner where he was shot and prayed for him.

It is so, so funny to me that when googles go out to protest Whites they end up killing each other.

The shooter was arrested – Rayquan Borum.


Rayquan Borum

It’s pretty shocking, because he looks like such a good boy.

The video of the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott has yet to be released, though the police chief has called for it to be released as soon as possible. It’s almost like there is a pro-google agenda holding back its release. The fambly watched it, and had nothing to say other than that it isn’t clear what he was holding. They do maintain the claim that he was holding a book.

No book was found at the scene.

This photograph was released:


The googles are claiming that the object on the ground is a book.

It doesn’t look like a book.