Tillerson Hearing: Sniveling Foam-Spic Pushes Insane Anti-Russian Conspiracy Theories and Cries for Kebab

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2017

I had forgotten about the little gay ratboy Marco Rubio, but apparently he still exists.

At Rex Tillerson’s confirmation hearing for Secretary of State yesterday, the bean boy spread blatantly false rumors about Russia and their leader, Czar Vlad I. He called the Czar a “war criminal” and tried to bully Tillerson into agreeing with this slander.

The suspiciously well-groomed wetback claimed that Putin just kills journalists, without providing any evidence. He did not give any of the names of the journalists he was alleging have been killed by Putin, as is generally the case when these rats put forward the “kills journalists” atrocity lie.

What’s more, the spic babbled on about Muhleppo, complaining about Russia killing terrorists to liberate Syria. How absolutely ridiculous. Firstly, no one cares about dead Syrians. I truly believe, that save for some childless women who want to sleep with these monkeys, no single person cares if they all were to die tomorrow, and simply pretends to care for purposes of social signaling. Second, the US has done the exact same thing in Mosul at the exact same time.

Civilians die in wars. Sorry, faggot.

What’s more, the whole reason there is a war in Syria at all is that the US funded an army of terrorists to try and overthrow the elected government – and somehow Putin is the bad guy???

Little Marco even brought up the 1999 war against the Chechen monkeys, attacking Putin for bombing them in revenge after they bombed Russians. He went so far as to cite specific weapons used against them – thermobaric bombs – which he claims are morally wrong to use – even though the US uses the same weapons. And they use them against people who never even attacked them, such as Iraqis, while Putin was defending his own people.

Oh, but get this – Marco Rubdown said the Chechen bombings throughout the Krasnodar region were false flags organized by Putin to give him an excuse to bomb the Chechen – which I guess he wanted to do for no reason at all.

That this sort of conspiracy theory is allowed to be spread in Congress for the express purpose of attacking a peaceful foreign government is absolutely disgusting.

Every single thing this spic said about Russia was either made-up or complete nonsense. And he is supposed to be a Republican? Why would he be attacking his own party, I wonder…

We have to remove Marco Rubio. Get him out of congress, deport him to Cuba.