Tillerson Visits Moscow Amid Bizarre Fiasco

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2017



US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will arrive in Moscow on Tuesday to discuss Syria with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov. The visit comes as recent US strikes on a Syrian base were followed by hints of sanctioning Russia for supporting Assad.

While in Moscow, Tillerson is expected to meet Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Tuesday, with the Syrian crisis being the key issue on the agenda. This is the former oil executive’s first visit to Russia as Secretary of State.

It is unclear so far whether Tillerson will meet Russian President Vladimir Putin. The US Embassy told RIA Novosti news agency that the meeting with Lavrov is the only one that has been officially confirmed, while Putin’s spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, said on Monday that a meeting has not been scheduled.

Later in the day, Peskov once again refused to confirm if a meeting might take place. “I still can’t confirm that,” he was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying.

According to previous reports, Tillerson’s visit was initially set up to find common ground and pave the way for rapprochement between Russia and the US. Hopes waned, however, after the US military conducted a massive missile strike on the Shayrat Airbase in Homs Province, Syria.

Both sides, however, voiced cautious optimism about the meeting. “I’m hopeful that we can have constructive talks with the Russian government, with Foreign Minister Lavrov and have Russia be supportive of a process that will lead to a stable Syria,” Tillerson told ABC’s The Week on Sunday.

The Russian Foreign Ministry said it does not expect much from the meeting, but having the opportunity to discuss pressing international issues is a positive step. “We’ll listen to the US Secretary of State once he’s here, and ask our questions. I believe, we should understand processes going on in Washington, but on the other hand, we must absolutely make it clear that such [missile strikes] are unacceptable for us,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said last week.

Tillerson is I believe a solid guy.

The problem is, he also appears to be totally powerless in this administration.

Instead, Jared Kushner has taken over his role, flying around to meet with foreign government officials and plan State Department policy.

Tillerson is probably going to be out soon enough, along with everyone else we liked or sort of liked.