Tim Burton Probably Just Ended His Career with a Response to a Question About “Diversity”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 1, 2016


…and then they came for the SWPLs, and there was no one left to speak for SWPLs.

I would normally be happy to hear that Tim Burton’s career was over, as he’s spent the last two decades making absolutely horrible movies.

Alas, I take no pleasure in this.

Rachel Simon, a reporter for Bustle, has confronted him on the lack of diversity in his latest film, “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.” And his answer was the exact answer you don’t want to give to these SJW savages.

The correct answer to this question should have been “I want to call my lawyer.”

“Nowadays, people are talking about it more,” he says regarding film diversity. But “things either call for things, or they don’t. I remember back when I was a child watching The Brady Bunch and they started to get all politically correct. Like, OK, let’s have an Asian child and a black. I used to get more offended by that than just… I grew up watching blaxploitation movies, right? And I said, that’s great. I didn’t go like, OK, there should be more white people in these movies.”

To intensify things, she also interviewed Samuel L. Jackson, who is in the film, and basically got him to attack Burton for his diversity-free career.

Of the film’s entire cast, Jackson appears to be the only nonwhite character, playing the villainous Barron, the leader of a group of creatures who aim to murder children with supernatural abilities. When I ask Jackson about the film’s lack of diversity, he says that while he “noticed it,” it didn’t deter him from taking on his part.

I had to go back in my head and go, how many black characters have been in Tim Burton movies?” Jackson says. “And I may have been the first, I don’t know, or the most prominent in that particular way, but it happens the way it happens. I don’t think it’s any fault of his or his method of storytelling, it’s just how it’s played out. Tim’s a really great guy.”

She then went into his filmography herself, so she could snitch on him for being a confirmed race-hater.

Looking back at Burton’s lengthy filmography — he has 36 directing credits under his belt — it does appear that Jackson is perhaps the first black actor to be cast in a leading role, as Billy Dee Williams’ Harvey Dent in Batman and Michael Clarke Duncan’s Colonel Attar in Planet of the Apes were both supporting parts. Jackson, it seems, is the only actor to have made a sizable dent in the casting of Burton’s predominantly white films.

Obviously, it’s not a coincidence.

Tim Burton is an extremely White person. Like, a stereotype of a White person.

Just look at him:


So it historically wouldn’t be surprising to anyone that he does White people things with other White people. But now, simply doing White people things with other White people is in itself considered a form of racial hatred.

Because, as the saying goes, “diversity” means chasing down the last White person.

I’m a little bit surprised Burton has gotten away with it for this long.

Rachel Simon is pushing the issue on Twitter.

She calls his answer an “excuse.” Because he’s done something morally wrong.


nb4 “Rachel Simon is a Jew” – I can’t find that, but it’s definitely a Jewish name.

You can go ask her about it.

UPDATE: Jewess confirmed (thx shitlording).

You should still go visit her twitter page though. Just to see what’s up.


The hordes are rallying against Burton, both on Twitter and in the Jew media.

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This is my personal favorite headline:


He has a responsibility!

If they do go after him hard, this could end up being positive.

As I say, he hasn’t made a decent movie in 20 years, mainly playing the role of financing Johnny Depp’s presumably very expensive drug habit. But his older films – Edward Scissorhands, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Ed Wood, the two Batmans he did – are classic SWPL favorites. This guy was in some ways the proto-Wes Anderson.


So, I think a direct attack on him by the SJW army, if they are successful in bringing him down, is going to hit a nerve with a lot of people, sort of help bring into view the end game of the diversity agenda.

Because the liberal SWPL faggots who are supporting the invasionist agenda in this country are the ones with the most to lose from it. Hanging out at Starbucks with your beard and your Mac, making indie games and having masturbatory discussions about Baudrillard and Derrida before riding your bicycle to Whole Foods to refill your glass jug of organic and cruelty-free skimmed milk is the diametric opposite of the world we are creating through racial diversity. It’s also going to be the first White subculture to be made completely impossible by the invasion, because safety and high-trust levels and a well-maintained advanced infrastructure are such necessary parts of it.

I don’t think we’re going to wake-up the SWPLs on any real scale, but getting them to see some aspects of the harsh reality of what is happening is a good thing, and though it won’t make them willing to fight for us, it might make them more willing to just shut up and drink their $7 lattes while we’re out there protecting their ability to do so.


Anti-White Jew bitch getting BTFO on twitter atm.

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