Tim Pool Brutally Rapes and Sodomizes Paki H1-B Twitter Employee on Joe Rogan Livestream!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 7, 2019

Imagine, if you will, seeing this guy in a beanie hat:

Brutally rape (including sodomy) this Paki H1-B Twitter safety committee employee:

While this man stands there and watches and does nothing:

And while this man stares blankly at the Jimmy Hendrix poster on the wall:

Then imagine that I just watched that in the video at the top of this page – and you can too.

The stage was set: Joe Rogan invited on Jack Dorsey and his Paki, whose name is literally “Vijaya,” for a discussion of Twitter’s censorship policies with Tim Pool. A mere seconds into the discussion, Tim Pool screams “THE TIME FOR TALK IS OVER!” and jumps across the desk and karate chops – and then karate kicks – Vijaya. He rips off her clothing and begins a brutal rape, which I want you to know included sodomy.

The rape lasted for three and a half hours – at least two hours of which involved sodomy.

Asked afterward why he didn’t intervene, Joe Rogan said: “I was just watching it and I was like, wow. This is just, you know, this is something else. When he started sodomizing her I was just like, man.”

When Jack Dorsey was asked about the event, he said, “sorry, what? I didn’t hear you I’m sorry.”

Tim Pool is now on the run in a van with a shower in it and a mobile studio – an escape plan which he described to Joe Rogan during the disgusting and vicious rape. Blood all over the place.

This is literally the best thing I have ever seen on YouTube.

The Thing Here Is

What a weird event this was.

Twitter is in full-on damage control mode. Joe Rogan is pretty much out of damage control mode since he had Alex Jones on and he’s back in the good graces of the internet. The bad graces were largely due to having Jack on a couple weeks ago and not asking him about Twitter’s aggressive censorship agenda.

Because Jack either doesn’t know anything about the censorship agenda or because he isn’t considered capable of speaking on it – probably a mixture of both – he brought on the H1-B Paki Vijaya to do his talking for him.

Jack Dorsey literally acts like he’s on Thorazine. He is borderline comatose. I’ve not really seen anyone act like that who wasn’t either on heroin or obscene amounts of benzos. Given that he runs a company, it is probably the latter.

Basically, Jack came across as an innocent hippie who is being handled by this Paki female. I’m sure that was a purposeful impression they were trying to give, but it also seems to likely be true.

Remember that Jack used to be cool. He is not Jewish. Twitter was the last site to crack on free speech. I was one of the first people banned, along with MILO and Chuck Johnson in 2015. But before I was banned for the great Mizzou hoax, they were letting me directly call blacks and Jews racial slurs and saying it didn’t violate TOS. I think it’s a fair theory that he was just under an incredible amount of pressure, and is just a weak person who cracked, and that he currently doesn’t have anything to do with moderation.

Tim Pool was absolutely ruthless with this Paki. It isn’t even hyperbole to call it “rape.” He was extremely well-prepared. He had an entire list of banned people, and she just tried to weasel out of every single one by continuing to claim the site only bans for “behavior” and not content – which is objectively a lie – and claiming that Pool doesn’t understand the concept of context. He repeated told her she was lying as she danced around.

This bitch actually sat there and claimed that none of the bannings were political, and Pool is like “liberals are threatening to kill people but you ban conservatives for saying the n-word!” She just kept going on about how maybe it was all some kind of a mix-up.

Pool pointed out, over and over again, that the fact that they ban people for “dead naming” trannies (that means referring to a tranny who changes his name by his male name) proves that they are banning people based on a political agenda, because right-wing people (as well as some feminists) don’t believe that biological men can become women and that saying they can become women is necessarily an ideological position because it is opposed to biology.

I don’t think anyone could possibly watch this and think that this woman is anything other than a liar.

Pool repeatedly went for the killshot, saying that Twitter rules should be exactly the same as the US First Amendment. And he got them to admit that they regulate content in other countries based on other countries laws, but won’t do it in the US – and have no explanation why other than “we’re a private company and not actually a monopoly somehow.”

Pool said that they are an unelected group of autocrats completely controlling public discourse. This is exactly the correct talking point.

He also said that if they don’t change their policy, the government is going to come in and regulate them. I don’t know if I still believe that is true. The Republican Party believes in this voodoo Reagan bullshit about how private companies can do whatever they want to anyone, and the Democrats are the ones shutting everyone down. I hope the government does come in. Maybe that is why Twitter is doing this kind of ineffective damage control. Maybe they’ve heard tell of something coming down.

Trump could make it happen if he wanted to, but this guy just isn’t doing fucking anything.

Pool even suggested that the FBI was telling Twitter not to ban Antifa, which was hardcore. He started out by asking if the government had ever asked them not to ban someone who had committed a bannable offense, and she looked nervous and said she wasn’t aware of that having happened. Then he started talking about antifa using the site to organize terrorism, and she was like “oh well that’s bad, we don’t know about that.”

She had her laptop with her and would bring up information on some of the cases that Pool brought up. All of the excuses were bullshit. She did Alex Jones, Sargon of Akkad, MILO and Gavin McInnes, and none of them threatened anyone’s safety, which is what she kept saying is the only reason people get banned. Sargon was apparently banned for satire tweets.

Pool trying to catch this Paki on anything was like trying to nail jello to the wall, but that fact was so obvious – it was so obvious that she was being utterly evasive and lying nonstop – that no one can walk away thinking anything other than just exactly that.

The one thing that she said that was actually funny was when he asked if they are working with the SPLC and she said “um, I’m aware of the problems with that organization.” She said they don’t take any action based on the advice of that organization, and basically said that they try to contact them and they don’t engage.

The fact that ultra-shitlib Silicon Valley Pakis will openly insult the SPLC as liars really says a lot about the hole that organization has dug for itself by going nuts with the “EVERYONE IS A NAZI” thing in the Trump era. Trump’s sole meaningful legacy will be driving kikes insane.

At the end of the show, Tim said that nothing had been solved and repeated that he thought the Paki was just lying about everything she said. He also said that one of the main reasons to allow free speech is that otherwise society turns to violence. Which is obviously true. He predicted a civil war apocalypse scenario with bombs and targeted assassinations and said that it would be Twitter’s fault.

It is an excellent video.

I always liked Tim Pool. People used to give me shit for defending him and said he was boring. Well, no one is going to say that after he raped (including sodomy) this horrible Paki slut.