Tim Pool Final Report: “Sweden has Real Problems”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 9, 2017

Tim Pool is as objective of a guy as you’re going to find anywhere.

He went to Sweden to find out what was going on after the Trump troll created a media storm, and after spending two weeks there, he’s given his final report: Sweden has real problems.

Tim writes:

WE HAVE LEFT SWEDEN! I have to say that I am actually happy to have left. The country is a bit socially repressive.

In this video I discuss some of our findings and views with Sweden.

Was Donald Trump right? Watch the video and see what I think.

The upshot here is that Tim Pool is now getting a lot more subscribers and hits, and will hopefully be doing more of these types of objective investigations.

No one can accuse this guy of not being objective. I mean, they will accuse him of that, but it can’t really be taken seriously. It’s also more difficult to accuse him of being a Nazi, since he’s half-Asian (again, they don’t really care – they accuse homosexual Jews of being Nazis – but the public are more likely to see through it).

So, subscribe to his channel and consider throwing a few shekels his way on Patreon if you appreciate what he’s doing. I was of course kicked off Patreon, but I’m thinking of trying to make some covert account to fund him and some other people I like. I can tell you for a fact, being in the “fund projects through donations” business, that $2-5 a month is a massive help, and he creates steady and generally pretty good content (not all as good as this Sweden series, which was fantastic, but all of it worth watching in my opinion).

I’m pressing the issue of supporting this guy because this is exactly what we need right now: objective, real journalists. It’s a big, big deal. Because the fact of the matter is, all of our stuff is correct, but most of us pushing it push it from an (admittedly) biased angle as a way to counteract the bias of the mainstream lying Jew fake news media.

Unbiased journalism, however, is always going to be to our advantage. Always. And so making a space for that is something that is very important to me, and when someone like Tim comes along trying to do it, we need to offer support.