Tim Pool is in Google’s Crosshairs

Joe Jones
Daily Stormer
September 9, 2017

Sorry Tim, but blacklists are very real. These organizations will shut down anyone that poses a threat to them, and that is anyone that doesn’t smile along with every narrative they give us while reviewing consumer products.

For now, they’re just removing your revenue stream on most (not all) of your videos and giving it back when you ask for it, claiming it was a mistake. But even by your own admission, they can do it to stop you from getting the most cash you can per video by demonetizing it during the first couple hours after an upload.

These people are not clever, but they’re not stupid. They wont just give any soft bad Goy a hard shuttening, instead try to win a battle of wills and economics against less problematic people and reserve the heavy powers for the most threatening individuals/organizations to them, such as Andrew Anglin. They know that if they hard shut down everyone they dislike or push too hard, they will receive huge backlash. They know this because it has happened.

But this is the slippery slope in action.

It’s all getting shut eventually.