Time for Another Good Old-Fashioned Chimp Out

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 21, 2019

So basically, the story of Black Lives Matter can be summed up thusly:

  • George Soros, the media and Barack Obama decided to incite a bunch of black super-riots in order to attempt to make white people feel guilty
  • They did this for several years, every time some black criminal attacked a cop and got shot
  • Eventually, they figured out that instead of feeling guilty, whites simply began to hate black people, and that the far-right loved it and was cheering on the black rioters
  • They totally defunded the BLM riot program and the media stopped encouraging it

However, black people have gotten used to doing this, so they keep doing it even though the Jews are not funding organizers for them and the media isn’t giving them coverage.

NBC News:

Protests erupted for the fourth straight night Friday in New Haven, Connecticut, after police opened fire on a car near the Yale University campus, shooting and wounding a woman inside.

Stephanie Washington, 22, was hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries following the shooting by an officer from Yale and another from the adjacent town of Hamden, university officials said in a statement.

“No weapons were observed at the scene,” Connecticut State Police Sgt. Dwight Washington said in a statement.

“This is not just a Hamden situation or a New Haven situation,” demonstrator Remidy Shareef of Hamden told NBC Connecticut Friday night. “This situation is the culture of policing throughout America.”

Black Lives Matter of New Haven planned another demonstration Sunday afternoon. On its Facebook page, the group call New Haven, Hamden and Yale police a “triple occupation” of the community.

The shooting occurred after 4:15 a.m. Tuesday when Hamden police Officer Devin Eaton and Yale police Officer Terrance Pollack, responding to a report of an attempted robbery at a gas station, stopped a red car near campus fitting the description of the suspect’s vehicle, Yale officials said.

Both officers opened fire on the car, the university said. Police have not said why the officers deployed their guns. The officers, Stephanie Washington and the driver, identified by NBC Connecticut as Paul Witherspoon 21, are black.

Hamden Mayor Curt Leng called the shooting “shocking, haunting.”

This probably won’t explode into a full-fledge NIGGERFEST, because the criminal nigger didn’t die.

However, it is getting set up as a precursor for what is hopefully to come this summer.

We need to start brainstorming on ways to get the blacks really going nuts.

For more information on how you can do that from the comfort of your own cozy NEETbase, please review my classic article “How to be a Nigger on Twitter.” And share it with your friends, who are also interested in being niggers on Twitter.