TIME Magazine Journalist Publishes Fake Trump Quote He Made Up

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2019

So this is the current state of journalism.

They just fake quotes.

Daily Caller:

Time Magazine columnist Ian Bremmer on Sunday tweeted a quote from President Donald Trump about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un that quickly went viral — but it wasn’t real.

“President Trump in Tokyo: ‘Kim Jong Un is smarter and would make a better President than Sleepy Joe Biden.’” Bremmer wrote on Twitter.

While Trump did praise the North Korean dictator’s insult of former Vice President Joe Biden, the president never said what Bremmer quoted him saying — because Bremmer made it up.

Bremmer left the false post up for several hours before conceding he made up the quote and deleting the tweet, which he defended as “plausible.”

These are the same anti-social weirdos who are claiming they have an absolute right to decide what anyone is allowed to say on the internet.

They just literally make things up.

The Huffington Post blog published falsified quotes by me – and then refused to remove them after I wrote them about it.

They didn’t even respond to my email.


When reached for comment over Twitter, where the neo-Nazi was ostensibly banned four years ago, Anglin refused to discuss Randazza’s desire to dump him as a client.

“That question is too personal to answer,” he said.

I don’t have Twitter and I definitely did not issue that quote to this blogger.

I write them an email asking them to remove it, they don’t respond – nothing I can do.

It’s a bizarre feeling, I’ll tell ya what. Nothing like reading fake quotes from yourself. If you’ve never felt that feeling, you will never understand that feeling.

Trump is saying the laws should be changed so we can sue.

I actually agree with this.

Satire should be protected, but the thing from this TIME journalist wasn’t satire, and obviously that fake quote from me wasn’t satire. This is just criminal activity from a perverse gang of beta male sickos.

And again, please understand: these are the people who are saying they have a unilateral right to decide what information you have access to.

The people who fake quotes, the people who hoaxed the Iraq war, the people who hoaxed the Russia hoax, the people currently trying to hoax a war with Iran are the people who are telling you that you can’t make fun of Nancy Pelosi on the internet because it “threatens democracy.”