Time-Traveling Hitler Appears in Austria, Arrested Immediately for Being Hitler

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 15, 2017

Being Hitler is 100% illegal in Austria.



A Hitler lookalike has been arrested in Austria on charges of glorifying the Nazi era, local officials say.

The 25-year-old man reportedly calls himself Harald Hitler.

The man, sporting a side parting and a trademark moustache, had been seen having his photograph taken outside the house in Braunau am Inn in which Adolf Hitler was born.

The lookalike had recently moved to the town on the German border, police spokesman David Furtner told the BBC.

Mr Furtner said this was not a joke or a piece of performance art.

“The young man knows exactly what he is doing,” the police spokesman said.

He said the man had also been spotted in Vienna and Graz.

Pictures of the man were published by Austria’s Heute.at news website on Monday.

Glorifying the Nazi era is a crime in Austria.

I think people should be allowed to be Hitler.