Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 10, 2015

The Times of Israel has come out and apologized for posting a hoax article from Australian Jewish lawyer Josh Bornstein, while also describing itself as the victim.
The Blogs platform on the Times of Israel was breached in an elaborate manner by a malicious hoaxer who on Thursday posted a hateful and racist post.
This hoaxer, it turns out, had opened a blog on the website some weeks ago using the identity of Josh Bornstein, a respected Australian lawyer, appropriating Bornstein’s name, biography, photograph and taking steps to lend the blog credibility.
Times of Israel staff had no reason to suspect this was a hoax, also given that half a dozen posts were published on this blog in subsequent days, all on topic and perfectly reasonable. As we found out Thursday, these posts were taken from Bornstein’s articles elsewhere on the internet.
After establishing his credibility on The Blogs platform, the imposter Thursday published a blog post that was vile and disturbing in the extreme. Shortly after it was published, we removed this blog post and the entire blog, and began investigating what had transpired. The post had also been copied to an online archive with the obvious intent of causing maximum harm.
We are dismayed that The Times of Israel fell victim to such a malicious and hateful hoax. Needless to say, we are appalled that the Times of Israel’s blog platform was taken advantage of in this manner.
Meanwhile, several Jewish blogs are blaming the Daily Stormer for the hoax, while I assure you, I had no knowledge of it. When I read it, it became obvious it was satire, but nonetheless I was reading it on Times of Israel’s own site.
This was a very funny hoax, but I cannot encourage people to do things like this, as it could well be illegal in some way (whether defamation or fraud, I’m not certain). That said, ToI has no one to blame but themselves, and it is ridiculous they are describing themselves as a victim. Maybe they are a victim of their own editorial staff, but that is all.