Times of Israel Website Hacked by Turks

Diversity Macht Frei
November 2, 2017

I went to the Times of Israel website and got this. At first I thought it was some pop-up spam. Then it didn’t go away and I thought, “Hang on, that doesn’t look like Hebrew.”

It looks like this was done by the Turkish Islamo-nationalist hacking group Akincilar, which means “Ottoman Raiders”. This same group has been responsible for various hacks against people or institutions deemed to have challenged Turkey or Islam.


Hack of the Austrian Foreign Ministry website after then Foreign Minister now Prime Minister Sebastian Kurz challenged Turkish President Erdogan. (link)

Hack of Charlie Hebdo website (link)

Hack of website belonging to French politician who introduced a law criminalising denial of the Armenian Genocide (link). This one was accompanied by threats to rape and murder her.

Passerby offers the following commentary on the incident:

Tensions are rising these days between Turkey and Israel due to Israeli support for the kurds. They are the only country that expressed support for independent Iraqi Kurdistan.

This appears to be the classic Yinon Plan – divide and rule by fragmenting the competitor. The way for Israel to survive in such environment is to divide the muslim countries around it into many small pieces.

Diversity and the multicult is just another Yinon plan, but this time for whites. Fragment and divide white society into many different competing groups. Then exploit.