Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 13, 2014

This is a daily reminder that this site is still unfunded.
That is, of course, my fault. I should have done something by now but I didn’t.
Oh, but yesterday I sort of did. I applied for shopping cart thing. But then I need a 501c3, I guess. Which I don’t have and probably couldn’t get.
Anyway, maybe I can get that or I can figure something else out.
I am going to set up a bitcoin account and an Amazon affiliates link, which can maybe bring in a bit of extra income. On top of that, I am going to set up a personal site where people can donate to me as an individual through PayPal. We’ll see how long that lasts, but I find it hard to believe they would shut down my personal account, which will not be linked to this site (except by hyperlink), because I run this site. That would just be bizarre, and I believe unprecedented.
Six million thank yous to those who have taken the time to send money through snailmail. That is a huge help.
This new bill for the site is massive, and it isn’t going to get any cheaper, so I’m going to try and have as many outlets as possible for those who appreciate what we’re doing here to support the operation.
If anyone else wants to do that while I’m getting things together here, that’s fantastic. If not, hopefully something electronic will be running here soon.
I might also look into ads, though I haven’t yet. What one person said – and I sort of agree with it, after having thought about it – is that in people’s minds, the ads actually make the site look more professional, since all of the major news sites have ads. I’m not sure how much that would actually bring in, but they would just be in the sidebar or something – not within articles. Anyway, I might not actually do that.
Updating the Layout
We need an update of the layout and also a fix for these errors which still persist (the version of the site not being updated is one, which I haven’t had time to figure out).

After the debacle with the last updates, involving a Russian troll I hired, I will be doing everything myself. Since I don’t know how to do any of it, and have to figure it all out, it takes time, obviously.
I’m going to do this after I figure out the income, and I am working on both while still updating the site, which is more than a full-time job. At the same time, I am trying to get something figured out with the Troll Forum, but that is on hold for the time being. Anyone who already has an account can post there though.
Don’t be a Flame-Faggot

Readers need to remember not to act like faggot bitches in the comments section.
Nothing has ever been solved by an internet flame war.
In particular, you all need to stop arguing about religion, these arguments are gay. Clearly, some of the people involved, on all sides, are Jew trolls, but there is no way to identify such persons because this is the internet.
Instead of accusing each other of Jewing and then being accused of such, the best option is to not engage.
We have a basic free speech policy, which is probably too lenient, but censorship is such a death spiral on a site with this many daily comments that I’ve taken the position of leaving things open. That doesn’t mean you should holocaust comments sections with six million pro or anti Bible comments. I don’t care about your feelings, nor does anyone else. If you want someone to care about your feelings, please call your mother.
Adults should be able to discuss religion without getting emotional, if you cannot do that, do not engage in religious discussion on this site. Also, unless an article has something to do with religion, do not discuss religion in the comments section of that article.
This is not a religious site, it is a news site.
You are not going to convince someone the Bible is or is not true by arguing with them on the internet. Thus, the only possible purpose of this is to make yourself feel good.
Whether you are Christian or non-Christian, you presumably agree with the opposite group about everything other than religion. So the idea you would want to create conflict with the other group about their own personal matters proves you are a womanlike faggot. Because men are not concerned about the personal lives of others, they are concerned about the actions of others.
I know me saying this doesn’t matter, because people are just going to do it anyway, regardless of the fact that they have been called out as engaging in faggotry that is exactly what Jews wish them to do. But I saw a recent series of posts which upset me with its retardedness, and I had to say something.
For Now, I Leave You with a Song