Today is Electoral College Day

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2016

Today is electoral college day.

I don’t see anyone actually arguing that there is likely to be an upset. I personally don’t think there will be.

The upset, if it comes, will come after this, when there aren’t any more of these “oh but wait” schemes.

As I outlined yesterday, the real threat is that Barack Obama will get the report he’s demanded from the CIA, it will contain faked documents “proving” that Vladimir Putin did Wikileaks, and Obama will then say that the transition is canceled.

Fox News:

The Electoral College is expected Monday to select Donald Trump as the next president of the United States, despite efforts to disrupt the 227-year-old process that so far appears to have resulted in just one openly rogue voter. Still, Democrats and Republicans on Sunday spoke with some uncertainty about the anticipated outcome.

“We expect everything to fall in line,” Reince Priebus, White House chief of staff in the incoming Trump administration, told “Fox News Sunday.”

In most presidential election years, the Electoral College vote would essentially be a formality after the popular vote is cast in November.

But 2016 was not a typical election year, considering Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton won the popular vote with roughly 2.6 million more ballots than Trump but lost the Electoral College vote.

Trump got more Electoral College votes by winning many of the smaller, less-populated states in the Midwest and South, along with the big coastal state of Florida and traditionally Democratic-leaning Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

Trump and Clinton also split the six most populous states.

Trump needs 270 electoral votes Monday. And the state victories put him in line to get 306 of the 538 — with each state getting one vote for each House and Senate member. The three remaining votes go to the District of Columbia.

Priebus, who still runs the Republican National Committee, which is trying to keep count of the apportioned or “pledged” votes, cited the only known and so-called “faithless” balloter, who lives in Texas and whose vote goes to Trump but plans to vote for another, yet-to-be-named Republican.

“But other than that, we’re very confident that everything is going to be very smooth,” said Priebus, noting a massive petition drive to get electoral voters to cast ballots against Trump and the alleged harassment of some of the voters, particularly in Arizona, where Trump won 49 percent of the vote, compared to 45 percent for Clinton, which entitles him to all 11 electoral votes.

Arizona electorate Donald Graham told Fox News on Saturday that the 11 electorates have received hundreds of thousands of emails telling them not to vote for Trump and that he’s received information that some of the other 10 have been followed or have received a death threat.

“It’s out of hand when you have such … a small group of people that is pushing so hard against millions if not hundreds of millions of people who still appreciate this whole system,” said Graham, chairman of the Arizona Republican Party. “The Electoral College is part of the Constitution.”

All swore to party officials that they will back Trump, even though they’re not legally bound to do so, and plan to hold to that pledge.

So, this is a big step, and will put us that much closer to the goal.

But the fight will not be over until January 20th, when Donald Trump puts his hand on the Bible.

We will of course have updates here as the situation unfolds.