Daily Stormer
July 29, 2014
Note: Several in the comments section have claimed this is not a children’s TV program, but rather a satire of a children’s TV program meant for grown-up Jews. The information I read indicated it is, and it also has puppets. However, there is not much information on the show available in English.
Despite the everlasting love of modern Christians for the parasite Jew and his baby-killing state of Israel, the feeling is not mutual.
The Jews have a deep-rooted and vitriolic hatred for Christ and Christians, and use every available opportunity to mock and degrade them. We see this constantly in the Jew entertainment media in America, but in Israel it is even more blatant: they do comedy shows where Jesus is a monkey being crucified by Jew women in bikinis.

“Toffee And The Gorilla” is a children’s show. The host, Toffee (Dawn Rosenzweig) is always appears in a bikini or bra top, often with a BDSM-type theme. Yet another insight into the racial soul of the Jew – why would you have a sex kitten host a children’s program with puppets? Aside from the obvious insult to basic human morality, who would even think of that?
Next you also have this Jew whore making fun of America, joking about how it is controlled by Jews. The Jewess makes a few graphic sex remarks on this program designed for Jew children, including saying that America is the best country because they invented the “69” sex position.

The monkey announces he wants to drink the blood of Iraqi babies. They then sing a song about how Americans invented slavery as a program to bring Africans to the US to play basketball (that part is kinda funny, though it was of course the Jews who invented slavery and still in fact practice it in Israel with kidnapped Eastern European women).
(You might have to click-though to YouTube to get the English subtitles to work on this second vid.)
When you are watching this show, you definitely get the distinct feeling you are seeing something you are not meant to see. It was not produced for goyim consumption.