Tom Brady Endorses Trump!

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2016

We heart Tom Brady.

Boston Herald:

Donald Trump claimed the support of Tom Brady and Bill Belichick at an election eve rally here, looking to tilt the too-close-to-call Granite State his way and counter the rock star power Hillary Clinton flashed last night.

“They’ve told me I can do it, so I can do it,” Trump told a packed crowd at the Southern New Hampshire University Arena, which holds about 12,000 people, last night. “Tom Brady — great friend of mine, great champion, unbelievable winner. He called today, and he said, ‘Donald, I support you. You’re my friend. And I voted for you.’ ”

Trump then read a letter he claimed Belichick wrote him only hours earlier.

“Congratulations on a tremendous campaign,” Trump said, reading from the purported Belichick letter. “You have dealt with an unbelievably slanted and negative media and have come out beautifully. You’ve proved to be the ultimate competitor and fighter. Your leadership is amazing.”

Thanks, guys.
