Tommy Robinson Whines That His Speech is Being Silenced, Does Not Say It’s Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 30, 2018

We were all shut down a long time ago, and Tommy Robinson and his ilk said nothing.

Now the beast of censorship has come around to him, and he’s outraged and feigning confusion.

Everyone knows what the slippery slope is. Everyone knows that it applies, very much, to censorship. Every inch you give, they go looking for the next inch.


Tommy Robinson’s message is simple – he has no intention of stopping. He has the “God-given right” to freedom of speech, and he intends to use it.

He intends to use it against Islam, he intends to use it against political correctness, and he intends to use it against his opponents.

Robinson wants to stop the building of mosques, to prompt the ban of Sharia courts. His views are, to many, abhorrent, intolerable, and provocative.

He has been branded as “racist” and “bigoted.” Entire groups from all over Britain attend his rallies to try and shut him down because of his anti-Islam stance. The former English Defence League (EDL) leader refuses to accept accusations he is spreading hate, because in his words, it is his “right” to say what he wants about any religion he chooses.

In the UK, free speech is not set out in law – but it is assumed through the nation’s association with the European Convention of Human Rights, and various case law.

There are laws on hate speech. Anything which incites violence, encourages religious or racial hatred is punishable in court.

Those laws are entirely vague.

When they started locking up people from National Action, there was never any incitement to violence.

Joshua Bonehill got sentenced to two years in prison for a cartoon.

Tommy Robinson said nothing about that.

But in a fractured society where hate crime is increasing, where hate comes from both sides which have been allowed to spout vile rhetoric on loop, is it time to crack open the discussion on free speech?

In an exclusive interview with RT UK, Robinson denied the accusations of hate speech, and revealed his plans to take matters into his own hands.

“We live in a post-free speech era,” Robinson told RT.

“Since talking about Islam, I’ve faced Government persecution, police persecution, violent opposition and that’s all for expressing my free speech and criticism of an ideology. We have laws for that (hate speech) and those laws are not implemented across everyone equally.

“The word ‘hate speech’ has taken over from racism. The word ‘racism’ was used to silence the public discourse so they can control the discourse. The media never pick up on this; in my first speech after Lee Rigby, I said if you spit at a Muslim woman, you’re a moron. If you set fire to a mosque, you’re a coward. I’ve said these things continuously. For the last nine years.

“I’ve always made a difference between extremist Muslims and ordinary Muslims. I keep telling them they’re going to create monsters. When you stifle free speech, when you drive it underground… right now I’d say the people of Britain are furious, and they’re angry, and they’re scared.”

The problem is, those who seek to shut him up have done the exact opposite. His message is being heard. According to his own statistics, Tommy’s message is received loud and clear by millions of people every month – on some platforms, reaching 200 million people in a three-week period, according to Robinson.

I agree with what Robinson says. And I agree with his right to freedom of speech.

But come on.

Where was he when all of our guys were getting locked up?

Oh, that’s right – I remember.

He was protesting FOR the Jews.

Well, Tommy – how did the Jews pay you back for your support?

Did they let you keep your free speech?

It seems that no, they did not.

Because Jews do not care if you support them.

They don’t care if Marine Le Pen goes to their hoaxist memorials.

They don’t care if you “speak out against anti-Semitism.”

They will treat you the exact same way as a Nazi, if you do not toe the entire line.

Given this, there is no way to oppose any liberal agenda – including the Islamic invasion – without directly opposing the Jews. You can’t sneak around that issue. You have to take them head-on.

Paul Joseph Watson – another “to the death” defender of the Jew race – is going around talking about how the ADL and SPLC are trying to silence him without even saying that these are both Jewish ethnic activist organizations.

What is all of this?

What is the point of not attacking the Jews if the Jews are going to attack you anyway?

There is no more benefit. There was a slight benefit, a few years ago, but there isn’t anymore. They are going to come down on you even harder if you focus on the Moslems.

Say the thing, Tommy.

Say who’s attacking you.

You have nothing to lose.