Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 29, 2015

The UN’s special rapporteur on the rights of indigenous people has come out and attacked Australia for failing to give enough free everything to parasite Abos. Tony Abbott has been called a racist for pointing out that Australia cannot afford to pay for the endless excesses of these gas-huffing monkeys indefinitely.
Up to 150 remote Indigenous communities in Western Australia are threatened with closure after an announcement last November that federal funding for them would be allowed to lapse.
“What we can’t do is endlessly subsidise lifestyle choices,” Abbott said in March in support of the decision, “if those lifestyle choices are not conducive to the kind of full participation in Australian society that everyone should have.”
The UN rapporteur, Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, took issue with Abbott’s characterisation of the desire of Indigenous communities to inhabit ancestral grounds as “lifestyle choices”.
Speaking to the Guardian in New York, she said: “This whole issue of racist kinds of pronouncements doesn’t really speak well of how governments are supposed to be complying with their human rights obligations.
“At least don’t be saying these kinds of pronouncements. Because it really just complicates the whole issue, and it really shows how uncommitted some governments are in relation to their compliance to human rights instruments.”
Tauli-Corpuz said representatives of the Kimberley Land Council, in Western Australia, had met her at the UN to seek her help. Tauli-Corpuz said she had written to the Australian government to ask for more support for remote communities.
These types of bizarre states from the UN simply bring us closer to the inevitable point where people are going to look at these claims of racism and say, in unison, “wait – are you guys joking? I can’t tell.”