Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 4, 2015

You may remember Tony Blair as the guy with the faggot accent who was all like “yeah George, great idea, let’s invade Iraq – we’ll give them freedom or whatever lol.”
Well, now that very same prick has been made head of an organization to stop people from thinking badly of Jews.
He announced today that will chair the European Council on Tolerance and Reconciliation, a body which campaigns to have certain thought patterns outlawed and to make it a criminal offense to state with words that you doubt that sixty trillion Jews were made into lampshades by Adolf Hitler.
The organization campaigns for European nations to make Holocaust denial a criminal offense, produce clear definitions of racism and anti-Semitism, and to have governments pay for security at Jewish schools and synagogues.
Blair and Russian-born Jewish businessman Moshe Kantor announced the appointment with a joint article in British newspaper The Times, in which they warned of reports of rising anti-Semitism.
“Anti-Semitism is not a Jewish problem, but one infecting the whole of society and needs to be tackled for the sake of us all,” Blair and Kantor wrote.
“States, international organisations and other actors must join together to tackle hate and intolerance. If we wait for our armies to act, it will be too late.”
The actual article itself is, bizarrely, behind The Times paywall.

I am having a hard time picturing why, exactly, you would make an announcement in a paper where only a small minority of the population – that which happens to subscribe to this website – is going to be able to read it, unless of course you didn’t really want people to read the original and simply read other paper’s reports on it. Which I don’t really see any benefit to. Maybe they just didn’t think about it?
Anyway, there you have it. There’s a new sheriff in town, goyim, and he’s going to clean up your naughty hate-filled thoughts like he cleaned up Iraq.
Godspeed, Tony.