Top 10 Best Things Morrissey has Said and Done

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 6, 2018

Moz is the only celebrity who is not a piece of shit.

I obviously don’t agree with the vegan stuff – BUT – the only reason he is a vegan is that he believes in shit genuinely.

Which is why he supports Anders Breivik and wants to pogrom the hajis.

They give the number one as “defending Weinstein and Kevin Spacey” – but he actually did not do that at all. He gave the same analysis that I gave: the victims were not actually victims, paying someone for sex is not “rape.”

His most recent single is pro-white, pretty explicitly addressing the same issues Daily Stormer addresses.

And before you sperg about the tranny – consider what it represents.

Look at the lyrics.

Spent the day in bed
Very happy I did, yes
I spent the day in bed
As the workers stay enslaved
I spent the day in bed
I’m not my type, but
I love my bed
And I recommend that you

Stop watching the news!
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn’t your own

I spent the day in bed
It’s a consolation
When all my dreams
Are perfectly legal
In sheets for which I paid
I am now laid
And I recommend to all of my friends that they

Stop watching the news!
Because the news contrives to frighten you
To make you feel small and alone
To make you feel that your mind isn’t your own

Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time, do as I wish
Time, do as I wish
Oh time, do as I wish
Do as I wish

I spent the day in bed
You can please yourself, but
I spent the day in bed
Pillows like pillars
Life ends in death
So, there’s nothing wrong with
Being good to yourself
Be good to yourself for once!

And no bus, no boss, no rain, no train
No bus, no boss, no rain, no train
No bus, no boss, no rain, no train
No emasculation, no castration
No highway, freeway, motorway
No bus, no boss, no rain, no train
No bus, no boss, no rain, no train
No bus, no boss, no rain, no train

Free speech, thought control, fake news, emasculation – it’s an Alt-Right manifesto.

And hey – let’s post a classic.

For a Sunday.

If whites were the only people on the planet, the whole “maybe kinda faggy liberal artist” culture would be incapable of harming anyone.


Regrettably, whites are not the only people on the planet.

But thus far, Morrissey is the only “maybe kinda faggy liberal artist” type to be willing to admit it.