Top 7 Reasons I Embraced Civic Nationalism

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 1, 2018

Lots of people have asked me in the hours since I announced my conversion to CivNat why I did it.

So I’ve put together an easy list of 7 top reasons.

7) Have to Choose a Winning Strategy

The fact is, America is so mixed now that we don’t have any choice but civic nationalism.

The logistics of the ethno-state are impossible to achieve with netguns and knockout gas, we would have to slaughter millions, and white people will never agree to that.

So we have to work with what we have and choose the civic nationalist path. We can still expel many illegal immigrants and limit visas, but we have to accept that America cannot unbrown itself.

6) Science

I have realized that contrary to popular belief within the Alt-Right, race is not a deciding factor of who a person is. The left is of course exaggerating when they say “race doesn’t exist,” but the truth is that the races are not different enough to make any difference, and the real difference is between individuals.

5) My Black Friend

Though I haven’t talked about it much on the site, I have a black friend who has really been offended by my Nazism.

I won’t say his name (that’s a stock photo), but he’s a really funny and nice person, and not a rapist or murderer. He has a higher than average IQ (above 120) and he is a conservative Trump-supporter.

What I’ve realized is that every person is really an individual, so then what is the point of racism?

4) Taking Mushrooms with Mike Cernovich

I recently met up with Mike Cernovich in Chiang Mai, Thailand, and we went to a mountain retreat and took mushrooms.

If I told you what day that was, you would be able to look at the articles and say “yeah, I wondered what was going on with him that day.”

Anyway, on our mushroom trip we had a talk about the interconnectedness of all life, and he opened my eyes to what the hate was doing to my heart. Right then a seed was planted, and my heart began to open to love.

3) The Real Threat is Islam

When you really get down to it, other than the globalists from all races, the only people who really don’t share our values are the Islamists.

We need a united front of all races if we truly wish to defeat the threat of radical Islam.

2) Money

We’ve had a lot of shutting down over the past year, and I just can’t take it anymore.

I have realized that if I embrace CivNat, I can make money and not get shut down. It is insane how few people bother to donate (like, pretty much no one now that it is only Bitcoin) and it’s like hey – what am I fighting for these people for if they won’t even bother to support my work?

I’ve given up my entire life for this cause and people can’t even throw me $5 or $10 a month while they’re reading the site every fucking day?

Now, as a civic nationalist, I can get AD MONEY BABY – HOOYA!

I have a future to think about, people.

1) Asian GF

All of the above reasons are just kind of whatever.

The main reason I decided to make the big switch to CivNat is that I wanted to stop getting negged over my love for Asian women.

At first I was like “well, maybe I can get an Asian GF and artificially inseminate her with a white child,” but then I saw egg prices.

Well over $25,000.

So much easier just to abandon white nationalism and go with the better, more profitable and Asian GF friendly CivNat.

So, the bottom line is: me love CivNat long time! (Yes, though I will be toning down the racism, I will still be making mildly politically incorrect jokes sometimes.)