Sven Longshanks
Daily Stormer
November 22, 2014

A top quality primary school has been marked down by the education inspectors for being too White.
The school has been told that it has to promote ‘British values’, which have now been redefined to mean ‘diversity.’
Because the school is lucky enough to be in an area of the country that is still predominantly White British, it is failing to live up to the ‘cultural diversity of modern British society.’
In other words, if they want the school to get top marks, the parents must start producing bastardised brown offspring.
No matter how hard the White children study, they will never be able to get the top grade because they are the wrong color.

The 104-pupil Middle Rasen Primary, in the town of Market Rasen on the edge of the Lincolnshire wolds, was inspected last month.
Ofsted praised it for high standards of teaching and leadership and the courteous and enthusiastic behaviour of pupils. But the inspector said: ‘The large majority of pupils are White British. Very few are from other ethnic groups, and currently no pupils speak English as an additional language.’
It said the school should ‘extend pupils’ understanding of the cultural diversity of modern British society by creating opportunities for them to have first-hand interaction with their counterparts from different backgrounds’.
Yesterday parents attacked the Ofsted decision. Mother-of-two Kirsty Egen, 29, said: ‘I think it’s ridiculous. It’s a brilliant school.
‘Why would the school spend time on trying to teach the children how to integrate with people who aren’t even there? It seems very vindictive to just mark them down for something they cannot change.’
Jodie Miller, 35, whose daughter Dylann, six, attends the school added: ‘We are a small rural community, there just aren’t many children here from different backgrounds.’
Julia Weeks, 47, who has a son of ten at the school, said: ‘To mark a school down for something they cannot control is crackers. If there were more people from ethnic minorities around then maybe you could have a complaint, but there just aren’t.’ Father-of-one Benjamin Bannan, 33, added: ‘It’s outrageous that a British school can he punished for being too British.’
Reverend Charles Patrick, who was head of the governors at the time of the report, added: ‘There is always more that you can do and maybe now we look at twinning the school with ones from other minority areas or something like that.
‘But this is a rural area, like 80 per cent of the country, we don’t have many non white residents. Perhaps it would be a different matter if we were in the middle of London or Manchester or something.’
Tory MP for Gainsborough Sir Edward Leigh said: ‘This is political correctness gone mad.
‘Middle Rasen Primary School is an outstanding school by any standards, and Melonie Brunton is a brilliant headteacher – I back the school and its head one-hundred percent.
‘Just last week I wrote to Nicky Morgan, the Education Secretary, objecting strenuously to the new so-called ‘equality’ regulations she is implementing in schools.
‘Conservatives have always stood for freeing our schools from the deadening hand of state-enforced orthodoxy.
‘Why there has been such a massive U-turn under Nicky Morgan is inexplicable to me.
‘Multiculturalism is an irrelevance in Lincolnshire with its low number of ethnic minorities, who are already welcomed and well-integrated into our local communities, as they should be.’
You can hear the confusion in the parents voices.
Hopefully they will now start to realise the truth, that White people have been singled out for replacement and the only way the school could get top marks, would be if the community became adulterated with foreign blood.