Top “Pick-Up Artist” Takes on the Filthy Jews

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2015

Well, it's about time.
Well, it’s about time.

The internet narrative officially belongs to the Daily Stormer.

In the same week that the Fat Man has taken on the Black menace, a top “pick-up artist” turned top manosphere blogger, Roosh Valizadeh, wrote an excellent piece condemning the filthy Jews.

The article, “The Damaging Effects Of Jewish Intellectualism And Activism On Western Culture,” is a review of Kevin MacDonald’s “Culture of Critique,” and was published on Return of Kings, the number one manosphere blog which Roosh is the publisher of.

I took issue with Roosh earlier this year when he wrote an article claiming that race is real but doesn’t matter because whatever race anyone is they just want to get laid.  I wrote a piece explaining in detail why this view is nonsensical, even if all you want to do is get laid, which is a lower goal than the vast majority of (White) men have.  Despite the tens of thousands of reads that article got, Roosh did not respond.

This having been said, I must admit that this anti-Jew article is excellent.  Nothing really new there for regular Daily Stormer readers – he merely goes through and covers the basic themes of CoC, which are also the basic themes of this website – but the audience of RoK is very large and this article no doubt exposed many new people to these most important of concepts.

As I predicted, dear brothers, the manosphere is going full Nazi.  No one can stop this storm.  This storm has a name and its name is revolution.

Roosh is non-White (I believe a mix of Persian and Armenian), and so has a vested interest in keeping the manosphere non-racially oriented.  However, he no doubt sees which way the winds are blowing, and is attempting, like Jones, to keep his media base in tact in the face of rising Nazism.

I would also not doubt that he, on a personal level, has experienced ideological evolution.

The pick-up artist industry is pure snake oil.  You cannot get laid by memorizing some script, nor can you “seduce any girl you want” no matter what information is in your brain.  Being attractive to women is dependent on being confident, being in shape and having money (maybe not in that order), and even if you have all of that every girl you like won’t automatically like you.  But the idea you can learn some type of system to seduce women is as popular as the idea you can get rich over night or get ripped abs in two weeks, so people bought this crap.

Jewish pick-up artist "Mystery" (Erik Horvat-Markovic) told youngsters the ladies would immediately have sex with them if they wore a crazy hat.  Hat sales boomed - condom sales remained the same.
Jewish pick-up artist “Mystery” (Erik Horvat-Markovic) told youngsters the ladies would immediately have sex with them if they wore a crazy hat. Hat sales boomed – condom sales remained stagnant.

Eventually it was proved to be a complete hoax, and all of these pick-up artists (mostly Jews) were exposed as basically never getting laid ever and simply telling people they were so they could run seminars and sell e-books.

When this happened, the smarter pick-up artists moved away from that and into the emerging manosphere.  Roosh is one such individual who was able to successfully launch a manosphere media outlet.

Now, the manosphere is going full racist, and there is no stopping it.  SJW anti-feminists such as Sargon of Cuckad will be left behind, as will any others who fail to change with the changing times.

Many of citizens of the internets were shocked to discover that Sargon of Akkad was a confirmed cuck-4-life.
Many of citizens of the internets were shocked to discover that Sargon of Akkad was a confirmed cuck-4-life.

It is just too obvious that if you believe in biological sex differences, you must also accept biological race differences.

It is also a fact that White people are the only ones involved (for the most part) in the pick-up artist scene or the manosphere, because we are the only ones who have had our society completely destroyed by feminism, and thus the only ones who need movements to oppose feminism.

As a non-White, Roosh’s future in the transforming manopshere is uncertain, but I must give credit where credit is due: he has done something wonderful by promoting anti-Semitism to the masses of young men who read his site.
