Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 6, 2015

We are not even having to force this Dershowitz sex slave story to become about Jews – the Jews are doing that for us.
Following Dershowitz’ own claims that this was part of a anti-Jew conspiracy against him, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, a celebrity rabbi who regularly writes op-eds and appears on cable news, wrote a piece in the New York Observer calling upon all Jews across the planet to unite to defend the filthy snake Dershowitz.
Following the Dersh’s lead, Boteach compared the accusations to “historical defamations” such as blood libel and the Palestinian genocide. Putting aside that human sacrifice of Christian children (“blood libel” as the Jews call it) and the Palestinian genocide are real things that the Jews actually did, how is it that by claiming that allegations against a Jew are part of a conspiracy against Jews can’t be used in every possibly situation where a Jew is accused of anything?
After all, Jeffrey Epstein – the character from which this case against the Dersh emerged – was a Jew accused of running sex slaves and then he was convicted in a federal court. Was that too an anti-Jewish conspiracy, even though the Jew actually did it?
“Where are the Jewish leaders to rise to Mr. Dershowitz’s defense?” Boteach writes.

Oh man I hope they follow this Rabbi and come out in defense of the Dersh. We want to see every prominent Jew in the world defending this weird, whiny pervert who helped OJ Simpson get away with murdering his White wife.
“I believe Mr. Dershowitz,” Boteach called Dershowitz “a man of sterling character who has been a champion of the Jewish people and Israel his entire life.”
The reality is that Jews do not believe they or other Jews are capable of doing wrong, thus even if the Dersh is guilty of doing the nasty on an underage sex slave, he is innocent because a Jew is not capable of doing wrong.
Dershowitz cried that he was getting hate mail from grandstanding Jew-haters, one of which read “see Jews have always been in charge of the sex trade.”
Obviously this is an objective fact which anyone can research. Having it in the media is magnificent, and it is magnificent that these Jews themselves are willing to do our work for us and make this all about their nature as Jews.