Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 8, 2015

For those who don’t know, the term “troll” means one who purposefully incites an extreme emotional reaction in someone, generally for the purpose of making them look stupid publicly. This is usually done on the internet, but can also be done IRL (in real life).
The confirmed IRL troll Geert Wilders has confirmed he has plans to further troll Moslems for the purpose of causing them to act out in violent ways.
Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders said on Wednesday he wanted to stage a parliamentary exhibition of the cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed that sparked a deadly shooting in Texas that left two dead.
“I am going to request parliament to exhibit the same cartoons as those that were displayed in Garland,” Mr Wilders told AFP on Wednesday, referring to the Dallas suburb where the shooting took place on Sunday.
“I want to send a message that if you use violence to suppress free speech the only effect is that we’ll do it even more,” Mr Wilders said, adding “we must show we’ll not be intimidated.”
“I don’t want to provoke, but at the same time we must show that we’re standing for freedom of speech,” Mr Wilders said.
This comes after Geert was at Jewess Pamela Geller’s Texas Muhammed cartoon festival, wherein two Moslems rushed the place and got shot dead.
Geert is obviously aware that someone will attack this showing of the cartoons, as they attack all such events, and so he wants to do it on purpose to demonstrate to the world, yet again, how primitive and ridiculous Moslems are that they are so totally incapable of chilling out.
So when he says “I don’t want to provoke,” he is clearly lying, as these displays have no other purpose than to provoke. The “I just believe in free speech” is a canard, as if that was true they would be making anti-Jew cartoons and actually pushing the limits of legal speech in Europe.
Trolling is something which can be done for a political purpose and for lulz (a corruption of “lol”) or exclusively for the lulz (a corruption of “lol”). I have no doubt that Geert Wilders genuinely hates Moslems, but he appears to be in this political game mainly for the lulz.
Seriously, just look at his hair. Wtf is going on with that?

People have a lot of problems with Geert because he is so pro-Jew. But you have to respect his devotion to trolling Islam.
It is a keen stratagem, and definitely does serve to prove his point.