Toronto: Two Nogs Attack, Hospitalize SJW Lawyer Who Supported Black Causes


Those blacks really appreciated the work you put into serving their race, didn’t they, David?

When you recover, perhaps you’ll have learned a lesson or two about helping wild animals.

Lol j/k.

You’re never going to recover.

Toronto CTV News:

Security video footage of a vicious assault in the city’s downtown core shortly after midnight on New Year’s Day shows a man being punched in the head moments after ending up on the ground and slamming his head on the concrete sidewalk.

The victim has been identified by his employer as David Shellnutt. He is a lawyer in his 30s who has spent the last year working with Sher Law Professional Corporation, a Toronto-based firm specializing in employment, disability, and discrimination claims.

His employer, Hugh Sher, describes him as “a wonderful man” who has dedicated his life to social justice and helping those who were hurt or injured.

“I’m personally quite shocked. My staff is quite shocked. We are saddened for our friend. He is a tremendous man and we are hopeful he will be able to make a full recovery,” Sher told CTV News Toronto.

Shellnutt is a graduate Osgoode Hall Law School in Toronto, where he served as the head of the student council.

David was a champion of the black social justice movement here in Toronto and his dedication to his social justice commitments are what made him a passionate, strong and powerful advocate,” he said. “All I can say right now is that we are deeply saddened by what’s happened. We are deeply saddened by the state he is in right now.”

Police said that when officers arrived at the scene, they found Shellnutt bleeding heavily. He was transported to a local hospital with a serious head injury, but his condition has since worsened.

Shellnutt’s injuries are now believed to be life-threatening.

David Shellnutt.