TOTAL BRO Burns His Republican Registration Card After Getting Removed From Convention for Supporting GL

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 11, 2016

God bless you, brother.

After being removed from the Colorado convention for supporting Trump, Larry Lindsey of Colorado, burns his Republican Party registration and says he’s Independent from now on.

If you are as pissed as Larry, and myself, you can contact the Douglas County Colorado
Republican Party Officers at

Other videos on this situation below

If any Party uses government funds, for their conventions, then the State must investigate the blatant fraud occurring in every State.

Remember folks, you DO NOT elect a President. The two big political parties INSTALL our Presidents, no matter what you say or do about it.

Do a search on how Ron Paul was treated in 2012. This has been happening for a long time and finally coming out with video proof.

Welcome to America

Also see…

Releated: Same Story in Florida

This is all so dirty and nasty.

I hate these people so much.
