Total Surprise: Jew Ethnic Activist Jonah Goldberg Attacks The Donald

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 6, 2015

Jonah Goldberg is deeply concerned that the filthy goyim are out of line.
Jonah Goldberg is deeply concerned that the filthy goyim are out of line.

There is some confusion about just how devoted Donald Trump is to Jews. He has a Jew son-in-law, and he calls himself a supporter of Israel. At the same time, he opposes pretty well every single Jewish agenda in America – at least in speech (we certainly don’t know what he would do if elected).

What there is no confusion about, however, is how the Jews feel about Donald Trump. In recent weeks, a veritable army of Jewish ethnic activists have come out in opposition to Trump.

This opposition is not limited to “liberal Jews,” but now also includes “conservative Jews.”

Vote for anyone you wish, goyim. Except Donald Trump.
Vote for anyone you wish, goyim. Except Donald Trump.

Top Neo-Cohen Jonah Goldberg has written a piece in the cuckservative publication the National Review condemning Trump. No doubt confused about how to sell his ethnic agenda as a political agenda to a group of stupid goyim who actually support Trump’s positions, he decided to make the claim that Trump is secretly somehow not really a “conservative.”

The six million word article does not bother to explain the headline.
The six million word article does not bother to explain the headline.

He begins:

Dear Reader (if there are any of you left),

Well, if this is the conservative movement now, I guess you’re going to have to count me out.

There probably aren’t too many left, Goldberg, because people are fed-up with your shilling. Even people who don’t notice your rat-face are fed up and sick of being cucked.

He then attacks his own readership (that which remains).

The late Bill Rusher, longtime publisher of National Review, often counseled young writers to remember, “Politicians will always disappoint you.”

But if it’s true that politicians can disappoint, I think one has to say that the people can, too.

And when I say “the people” I don’t mean “those people.” I mean my people. I mean many of you, Dear Readers. Normally, when conservatives talk about how the public can be wrong, we mean that public. You know the one. The “low-information voters” Rush Limbaugh is always talking about. The folks we laughed at when Jay Leno interviewed them on the street.

Well, many of the same people we laughed at are now laughing at us because we are going ga-ga over our own celebrity.

What does he mean when he implies that Trump is not “conservative”?

He doesn’t ever explain. He just rambles, seemingly endlessly, coming up with all sorts of different meaningless insults.

I actually read the whole thing. I wouldn’t recommend it.

Here is the type of things we hear:

I’ve written a lot about my problems with populism. One of my favorite illustrations of why the populist mindset is dangerous and anti-intellectual comes from William Jennings Bryan. “The people of Nebraska are for free silver and I am for free silver,” Bryan announced. “I will look up the arguments later.” My view of conservatism holds that if free silver is a bad idea, it’s still a bad idea even if the people of Nebraska are for it. But Trumpism flips this on its head. The conservatives of Nebraska and elsewhere should be against single-payer health care, even if Donald Trump is for it. What we are seeing is the corrupting of conservatives.

What does that mean?

I have no idea. Maybe, you say, it makes sense in context. Well, go look at the article. There is no context.

This is just a Jew whining, incoherently, about a very bad goyim.

The rat Jew closes by citing his co-ethnic Karl Marx, saying “of course I’m not a Marxist, but Marx is right that the masses are stupid and must be controlled lest they fall for a populist leader.”

Karl Marx coined the term lumpenproletariat to describe working-class people who could never relinquish their class consciousness and embrace the idea of a classless socialist society. Hence, they were useless to the revolutionary cause. I’m no Marxist, so I don’t buy the idea that anybody — never mind a whole class of people — are beyond persuasion. But I am tempted to believe that Donald Trump’s biggest fans are not to be relied upon in the conservative cause. I have hope they will come to their senses. But it’s possible they won’t. And if the conservative movement and the Republican party allow themselves to be corrupted by this flim-flammery, then so be it. My job will be harder, my career will suffer, and I’ll be ideologically homeless (though hardly alone). That’s not so scary. Conservatism began in the wilderness and maybe, like the Hebrews, it would return from it stronger and ready to rule.

“Conservationism began in the wilderness?” Like the Jews? What does it mean?

Maybe I don’t know what “conservatism” is. But it seems to me that “conservative” has traditionally meant conserving the historical principles which guided European society since the dawn of history.

He concludes:

But I’m not leaving without a fight. If my side loses that fight, all I ask is you stop calling the Trumpian cargo cult “conservative” and maybe stop the movement long enough for me to get off.

Or maybe you can just start calling yourself a Marxist, Goldberg. Or maybe just “Jew.”

Yes, Trump is a “Conservative,” as Far as the General Definition is Concerned

Again, maybe I don’t actually know what the word “conservative” means. I definitely don’t know what it means to the Jew Goldberg. If you suspect I’ve not done his article justice, go read the whole thing and see if you can figure out what the hell he’s talking about.

This is my America. gtfo, Jew.
This is my America. gtfo, Jew.

What I do know, for certain, is what the common people who call themselves “conservatives” believe in.

That is:

  • America First
  • Anti-Immigration
  • Pro-Family
  • Anti-Homo
  • Pro-Gun
  • Anti-Black Power
  • Pro-Christian values
  • Pro-Life

And guess what?

Trump checks all the boxes.

So I can only conclude that the Jew Jonah Goldberg is trying to Jew everyone with his anti-Trump activism.