Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 2, 2015

NBC4i and their “investigative reporter” Duane Pohlman declared a war this week. Not simply on the Daily Stormer or on me personally, but on my family.
And on everything we stand for – on America, on the values of European society and on Freedom itself.
The challenge has been accepted.

I do not often ask things of my readership, but I have a very important request today, which I sincerely hope all of my readers will help out with.
The Situation
As I outlined yesterday, a reporter from the local Columbus, Ohio news station NBC4i did a report on this site, openly claiming that I am personally responsible for the Charleston shooting because Dylann Roof, the shooter, had allegedly read this site.
Though the site has gotten a lot of attention after the shooting, to my knowledge, NBC4i is the only media outlet which has literally claimed that I am “responsible” (this is the word both Pohlman and the ADL’s Mark Pitcavage used) for this shooting because of words I wrote on the internet.
This is in itself is bizarre beyond comprehension, but Pohlman did something even more unimaginable: he went to the house of my mother, and then featured footage of her house on television, and in video uploaded to the NBC4i website.
This was a clear and unambiguous attempt to intimidate and threaten not simply me, but my mother. This is a form of terrorism.
Following the report, I questioned Pohlman on Twitter, and he said that it was not meant to intimidate, because he didn’t give the address or show a wide-shot of the house.
@duanespohlman You did show her house, Duane, in a clear attempt to intimidate her. This is plainly obvious.
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 1, 2015
@stormer9k no. Close up. No wide shot. Did not show or hear her. Ready to stand up and talk, Andrew? — Duane Pohlman (@duanespohlman) August 1, 2015
This is remarkable. He said the specific suburb that the house is in. Obviously, many, many people living in the local area will recognize it.
What is even more remarkable is that while Pohlman claimed that he had gone to her house to try and find me, he refused to explain how showing the home of my mother, after he knew that I did not live there, contributed to the news report. I asked directly how this could be interpreted as anything other than a terroristic intimidation tactic, and received no answer.
@duanespohlman @NancyHaven @BadboyBNP You showed a picture of the location, Pohlman. What was the narrative purpose if not a threat?
— Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 1, 2015
After he failed to answer, I posted the question again.
@SPlatinumberg @duanespohlman Or email me. Or Tweet. He won’t answer. — Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 1, 2015
This time, he said that he was getting on a plane, and would answer the question when he landed.
@stormer9k will do. Taking off now. Will contact in 2 hours when I land.
— Duane Pohlman (@duanespohlman) August 1, 2015
@duanespohlman Okay, 2 hours should be enough time to think up an answer. — Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 1, 2015
Six hours later, he Tweeted again, without an answer to the question of why, if not to intimidate, he included a footage of my mother’s home in his report.
Instead, he wrote this.
@stormer9k if so… Then tell me how to contact you. And we can talk, rather than label me. Up to you…
— Duane Pohlman (@duanespohlman) August 1, 2015
He clearly understands how to contact me, as we are in the middle of an exchange – in other words, we were presently in contact when he was continually asking how to contact me.
He of course could have emailed me or tweeted me before going to my mother’s house, as both these things are right on the front of the website. But it was I who had to contact him on Twitter.
Please note that I am not attempting to debate the ethics of ambush journalism here. There are some serious ethical issues surrounding the practice, but it has nonetheless become acceptable in mainstream tabloid journalism, so I am not blaming Pohlman, a tabloid journalist, for engaging in it.
What I am upset about, specifically (other than the fact he accused me of being responsible for a mass shooting that a man has already confessed to), is the attempted intimidation of my mother by showing her home on TV.
I don’t believe he thought I lived there, but even if he did, there was no possible reason for showing the footage on TV once he knew that this was my mother’s home and not mine. It is now more than 24 hours after the initial Twitter exchange, and he has not attempted to explain why he thought this was something which was okay to do.
Throughout the entire exchange, he attempted to act as if he had the moral high-ground, making very weird insinuations.
This bit was particularly incredible:
@duanespohlman @NancyHaven @BadboyBNP This was terrorism, Pohlman. Anyone can see it. If you wanted to talk to me, why not twitter/email? — Andrew Anglin (@stormer9k) August 1, 2015
@stormer9k @NancyHaven @BadboyBNP you accuse someone of terrorism for coming by in person? What are you afraid of?
— Duane Pohlman (@duanespohlman) August 1, 2015
I don’t know if Pohlman is really this stupid or if he is merely pretending to be for the purposes of plausible deniability. What I do know is that if I had showed up at Pohlman’s mother’s home and knocked on the door, then posted the footage on this website, I would be in jail right now for harassment and intimidation.
Real Terror Intentionally Inflicted
My mother now fears for her safety at home, and will be moving, at great expense to herself, because of the terroristic actions of NBC4i reporter Duane Pohlman.

As it is common knowledge that “anti-racists” as well as other left-wing groups routinely use violence against those engaged in disseminating information they do not agree with, it is reasonable to assume that Pohlman was consciously aware of the fact that he was putting my mother in danger by showing her house on television, and as he is unable to explain how the clip contributed to his report, it can, in my view, safely be assumed that he included the footage for the sole reason that it would put my mother in danger.
The absurd statements he has made on Twitter prove that he has no logical defense for his behavior.
A Call to Arms: Stand with Me and Fight!

Despite Pohlman’s fumbling attempts to claim a moral high-ground here, the political views expressed on this website have nothing whatsoever to do with his criminal behavior.
Again, along with the terrorism he has committed against me and my family, he openly accused me of committing a mass murder with words on the internet. Short of some form of magic or electromagnetic mind-control beam, there is zero possibility that I am “responsible” for the Charleston shooting. This is clear libel.
Though I am consulting lawyers about what I can do about this, I believe that it is more important that Pohlman be professionally disgraced for having engaged in this terrorism, which suffice to say, was also completely unethical journalism.
I am asking Stormers to please send an email asking for a public apology to be issued to my mother, and for Pohlman to be fired.
Please send this letter, or one like it which you have typed yourself, to the below listed email addresses, which include not only NBC4i management, but also the sponsors and advertisers and a number of others who may have an interest in the type of behavior NBC4i is engaged in.
Dear Sir or Madam,
Watching the recent NBC4i report on the website “The Daily Stormer” by Duane Pohlman, posted to your website on July 30th, I was both shocked and appalled.
Firstly, you were clearly committing libel against Andrew Anglin, the publisher of this website, by claiming that he is “responsible” for the Charleston massacre because of something he wrote on the internet. The suggestion that Anglin has a type of magical power which allows him to control the actions of others through the internet is utterly insane, and a respectable news source should not be forwarding such vile nonsense.
Perhaps instead of doing a report on Anglin as a “White supremacist,” you should have exposed him as a powerful wizard.
Even more shocking was that you visited the home of Anglin’s mother for the purpose of intimidation, and even knowing full well that Anglin does not live there, showed the footage of her home on television. I am incapable of imagining any possible reason that this footage would be relevant to the report, so it is plainly evident that by including it in report, you were attempting to intimidate Anglin’s mother, and I personally felt that you meant to incite violence against her.
As it is common knowledge that “anti-racists” as well as other left-wing groups routinely use violence against those engaged in disseminating information they do not approve of, it is reasonable to assume that Pohlman was consciously aware of the fact that he was putting Anglin’s mother in danger by showing her house on television, and as he is unable to explain how the clip contributed to his report, it can, in my view, safely be assumed that he included the footage for the sole reason that it would put this woman in danger.
This is utterly disgusting.
Is it your official policy to intimidate the families of people your reporters disagree with?
However you feel about Anglin and his views, you do not have a right to claim that he is responsible for a mass murder, nor do you have a right to try and intimidate or bring harm upon his family.
In Pohlman’s Twitter exchange with Anglin, which I have witnessed, he defended showing the house of Anglin’s mother in the report without explaining why he did it, and claiming that it was not intimidation because he did not give the address or show a wide-shot of the home. This is a nonsense explanation, given that he said it was in Dublin, and obviously many people watching the piece would have recognized it.
Anglin then asked Pohlman to explain what purpose showing his mother’s home in the video served in the report if not intimidation, and he refused to answer, even when asked this question repeatedly, instead continuing to imply that it was Anglin who was in the wrong.
I am asking that you issue a public apology, if not to Anglin, then at least to his mother, who has nothing whatsoever to do with any websites and has clearly been victimized by your gross and terroristic intimidation tactics, to the point where she fears for her safety in her home and is forced to move, at great expense to herself.
I am also asking that you terminate the employment of Duane Pohlman.
I am forwarding a copy of this letter to NBC national news as well as many of your sponsors and advertisers, who I believe deserve to be made aware that they are funding psychological terrorism against the families of people that NBC4i dislikes. These will include Ohio Health, Oak Creek Dental Care, Sears Heating and Cooling, Airtran, CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), Boehringer Ingelheim, Roxane Laboratories, Toyota West, Georgesville Automall, Feazel Roofing, Walmart, Tansky Toyota and Rascal Animal Hospital.
I will also be forwarding it to the Society of Professional Journalists, the FCC and various others who may find this information of importance to their operations.
Thank you for your time,
Here is the list of news/media email addresses to send it to:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
And here are the advertisers:,,,,,,,,,,,
You may want to send separate emails to each of the lists, or perhaps not. The above email I have provided can be forwarded to both if you do not have the time or energy to write your own.
Number One thing!
If you do write your own email or messages, make absolutely certain there is nothing intimidating, threatening or otherwise distasteful about it!
We are not terrorist animals like Pohlman, and we do not make threats!
This campaign will be very effective, as we will simply use our right to complain and our rights as consumers to demand that an injustice be made right.
Extra Credit Work
While I’m hoping every single person reading this sends an email to the above addresses, those who have the extra time and/or are particularly bothered by a news station using methods of terror against a man’s mother because they disagree with his political beliefs may wish to engage in some extra credit work to support the Daily Stormer.
Some of the advertisers don’t have email addresses, so you have to contact them through a form:
Court Appointed Special Advocates
You may also wish to contact NBC4i on Twitter.
Review the Sponsors! Tell Them What You Think of Them Funding a Terrorist Organization!
You can write a review of NBC4i network on yelp. You can also write reviews of their sponsors on yelp, and note that you will be boycotting them because they are supporting intimidation of the families of political dissidents by giving money to NBC4i.

This will really be a big help, and you might have a bit of fun doing it – but be civil! Simply give them a low ranking and explain why. This will show up on their Google results, rather high.
I will give example comments you can make, but feel free to come up with your own.
“I love the root canals, but disagree with the company’s funding of the terror organization NBC4i. 0/5.”
“Great Japanese engineering but I really can’t support a company that supports terrorist organizations such as NBC4i. 0/5”
“I’m glad they take my insurance, but financially supporting terrrorism? No thanks. I’m sure other companies accept my insurance. 0/5.”
“When I look for a new airconditioning system, one of my requirements is that the company installing it doesn’t financially support terrorism. 0/5”
“I like helping kids, but what I don’t like is organizations that support terror organizations such as NBC4i. 0/5.”
“I love discount flights, but what I don’t love is terrorism against people’s families over political disagreements. 0/5.”
“German engineering is best engineering, but you know what isn’t the best? Terrorism. 0/5.”
“I enjoy a nice Japanese utility vehicle, but one thing I don’t enjoy is terror and those who financially support it. 0/5.”
“Great roofs but this terrorism they are financially supporting by advertising with NBC4i is horrible. 0/5.”
“I love animals and the people who care for them, but what I don’t like is financially supporting terrorism against the mothers of your political opponents. 0/5.”
You can also give Google reviews for any of these companies.
I Don’t Ask for Much, Brothers
People constantly send me emails asking how they can help. Well, there has never been any more crucial way than this right here.
Please don’t assume that other readers will be doing this so that you don’t have to. It will take only a few seconds to copy the above email and send it to the addresses listed, or to write your own emails expressing your disgust and opposition to this program of terrorism against my family.
Please imagine if Duane Pohlman had done this to your mother.
My mother is the person I care most about in the world, and there is simply nothing that I can imagine being worse than someone attempting to intimidate or bring harm upon her because they disagree with my political views.
Please share this article and get others involved.
Glory is a certainty.

Beyond Andrew Anglin, His Family and the Daily Stormer
This goes well beyond me, my family and this website.
If we, as a society, decide that it is acceptable to openly accuse people of masterminding murders they had no connection to and have not be charged with any crime regarding, to then go and terrorize the family members of those they are accusing, then we are opening the door to virtually unlimited abuse by political opponents.
Situations such as this situation I and my family have been sucked into by NBC4i’s Duane Pohlman set a precedent.
Whatever your political views are, I am certain that we can all agree that no one deserves to have their mother abused like this, and that by allowing this to go unaddressed, we are putting the basic concept of freedom in jeopardy.
Stand with me in opposing this gross violation of basic human morals by NBC4i’s Duane Pohlman.
Hail Victory.
Andrew Anglin