Towton: English Culture Awakening

News From Atlantis
April 16, 2014

The battle of Towton, England’s bloodiest battle.

Living in the colonised part of the West Riding, it is easy to forget that England is still alive.  Within easy driving distance from the colonised and ruined Pennines, is the beautiful village of Towton; a place which is a part of the West Riding, no matter that it has been classified as North Yorkshire by idiots who like to draw lines on maps with no respect for the people who live in the places they defile.

Yesterday marked the anniversary of the Battle of Towton.  The Battle itself occurred on Palm Sunday 1461, which in that year was on the 29th March, hence the anniversary being on the 13th April this year due to Easter being governed by the lunar calendar and not the Roman one.

The memorial day was organised by the War of the Roses Federation, with a re-enactment of the Battle at dinnertime (12 noon) for the children, and a full re-enactment with archers, cannons and an impressive display of fighting, later in the afternoon.  What struck me most about the day was just how English the event was!  Living only a short distance away, but in an area which has been completely destroyed by colonisation and the subsequent obliteration of our indigenous ways, yesterday felt more like visiting a different country, than traveling to the eastern edge of my home, the West Riding.

Yorkshire’s West Riding flag.

As well as battle re-enactments, there were stalls selling traditional English clothes, Runes, authentic English food (no halal crap!) and other items which would be of no interest to foreigners, but mean a great deal to us.  It stark contrast with the usurious money-grubbing of the debased materialists who one sees in urban colonised England, there were stalls which sold absolutely nothing: stalls which gave knowledge, with the purpose being to keep our culture alive, rather than seeking any financial gain.  How refreshing!  In the colonised mess to the west of Towton, there is a sickening mentality of dog-eat-dog selfishness.  One comes to regard this as how the English are, but when out of the sewer, the real English character can be fully appreciated: a character of generosity, decency and honesty.  The scum who infest the cities are not typical of our people – they are rats who have taken to adopting the ways of the colonisers –  and it does us well to remember this.

Amongst the cultural treats given freely in Towton were lessons in how to make and play traditional board games such as Nine Men’s Morris and Hnefatafl, as well as cooking tips such as how to make butter.  (To do the former, simply make the pieces from clay and carve the boards copying images you can easily find on the web; to do the latter, simply churn milk for about 20 minutes in a clay pot with a downward beater.)  There was also a very strong spiritual side to the Towton event, with many people well-versed in the Old Ways, which upon conversation proved to be more than hankering to historical days, but a genuine reverence of ideas and forces which were all but wiped out by the subservience to alien religion which has in many ways led to our present plight.

Tablut, a variant of Hnefatafl, an ancient Nordic table game.

Our culture is still alive.  We who live in the cities, under the daily assault of foreigners who despise us and traitors who despise us more, can become war-weary and begin to feel that all is lost.  Reuniting with the land is absolutely vital to break out of this despair.  Ideally getting our of the cities and staying out should be our objective, but getting out as much as is possible is a step in the right direction.  Our people and our ways are under much pressure, but the re-emergence of pride in our heritage is something to behold.  Notably, that pride can be seen to be strongest in times before the Usurers forced their sick monetary and industrial systems upon us.

All of Europe is under threat, but all over Europe there is an awakening.  We need to make sure we help it to grow and by so doing to make the new European revival as powerful as that which saw the Moors and their Jewish overlords expelled from Europe centuries ago.  We have risen up before; we must do so again.  But this time, we must ensure our enemies are never allowed back in!

Yorkshire Ridings flag map.