“Toxic Femininity”: Thin, Attractive Paki Slut-Shames Gelatinous Blob Meghan McCain

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 12, 2019

Thankfully, a thin Paki female with good facial bone structure is taking the fight to the odious gelatinous blob.

Arwa Mahdawi puts Meghan McCain to such shame physically that we realize why she is able to put her to such shame intellectually and morally.

She writes for The Guardian:

Meghan McCain seems to have appointed herself the leading authority on antisemitism in America. She may not be Jewish herself but some of her best friends are Jewish, you know? And of course, she’s also the daughter of the late senator John McCain, something she is not shy about pointing out, which automatically qualifies her as an expert on everything.

According to McCain, the rise of antisemitism in America has little to do with white nationalism and everything to do with Ilhan Omar. McCain is obsessed with the Muslim congresswoman and has repeatedly misrepresented Omar’s comments about the Israel lobby in America. In an April appearance on This Week With George Stephanopoulos McCain even tried to blame Omar for the horrific Chabad of Poway synagogue shooting in San Diego. To be clear, the man suspected of being responsible for that shooting is a white nationalist who also claims he burned down a nearby mosque.


Blaming Moslems for White Nationalist terrorism is totally insane. And McCain doesn’t do it in defense of white people either. The defense of white people is: “they deserved it.”

Arwa goes into McCain’s irate recent appearance on the talkshow of the Jew Seth Meyers, wherein this fat hoe flew off the handle and started screaming about the Ilhan Omar threat to the Jews, before getting to the interesting bit about toxic femininity, which I am shocked made it through her editor.

While McCain is very good at criticizing others, she is not so good at listening to criticism. Should you so much as insinuate that she isn’t god’s gift to the Earth, the talkshow host and professional “daughter of a famous man”, immediately turns herself into a victim. Performances like the one on Tuesday are not a one-off: she is constantly flying into a rage or bursting into tears. Constantly turning herself into a damsel in distress in order to shut down other women and avoid accountability. She is a prime example of what writer Luvvie Ajayi has described as the “weary weaponising of white women’s tears”. If toxic femininity exists, then there is no better example of it than Meghan McCain.

Wow, ouch.

I had literally no idea you were allowed to say that about women – especially in the context of some bitch obsessed with Jews. This speaks to my point about how British media really isn’t quite yet clear on the whole agenda in the way that American media is, simply because there are far fewer Jews in Britain than in America.

That bitch McCain should truly shut the fuck up and stop crying in public like a lunatic.

Why is she so fat? Did the carbohydrates victimize her by raping their way down her throat? Was there nothing to be done about the matter?

She will never ask why it is that there is a Moslem in Congress in the first place, because, well… if she explains that, then even people who are inclined not to hate fat people will start hating her.

Other than coasting on the ooze that secretes from her pores like a giant slug, Meghan McCain coasts entirely on the fact that her father was a famous kikesucker. She is also probably coasting on the fat positive movement’s push to have positive portrayals of fat slobs on television.

Who likes this bitch? Who are her supporters? Who turns on the TV and thinks “I bet Meghan McCain has an interesting take on the issues of the day”?

Jews shove this fat bitch onto the people because she is ostensibly a “conservative” who is singularly fixated on the Jews, and yet is not Jewish. The way she obsesses over them and cries in public, she actually appears to be some kind of MK ULTRA victim.

It is abhorrent and should not be tolerated.