Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 7, 2015

A new and hip and somehow legal trend is for companies to humiliate their White IT workers by forcing them to train their own Indian replacers.
Indians have flooded Columbus, Ohio, where this writer is from. A company where a friend works is hiring these people directly from India, flying them in to accommodations they’ve already set-up for them.
Some will end up staying.
Sometimes they are on temporary visas, and come simply to learn the job in the US, then return to do it in India.
Either way, this is a direct theft of American wealth, a transfer of what our ancestors gave us to a foreign people.
Toys “R” Us is the latest in a string of U.S. companies that has been caught forcing their American employees to train foreign college-grads to take the Americans’ jobs, via a process known as “knowledge transfer.”
What a bizarre new Orwellian term we have here.
It summons up imagery of Luke Skywalker going to Dagobah to meet Master Yoda.

I mean, at least for me that was definitely the imagery I got when I just read that term.
Anyone else?
An expose by the New York Times revealed in detail how the renowned children’s toy-chain brought in eight workers from the global outsourcing companyTata Consultancy Services (TCS). The Indians shadowed employees, mainly in accounting, and produced intricate manuals for TCS workers in India to take over these jobs. By late June, the jobs had been transferred overseas and 67 employees had been laid off from Toys “R” Us, many of whom had reportedly been at the company for over a decade.
One accountant, age 49, who had been with Toys “R” Us in New Jersey for over 15 years, explained how she was shadowed, for four weeks, by a young woman on a temporary visa from India.
“She shadowed me everywhere, even to the ladies’ room,” said the accountant.
“We were asked to cooperate and show them respect and train them to do our individual job functions… If you didn’t cooperate, you would be asked to leave,” said another former company accountant, age 36, who worked there for nearly 12 years.
She said the young Indian “was watching me like a hawk… It took him a while to learn what I did.”
She told the Times, “I felt like, ‘Why am I sitting here showing this man how to do my job when they are taking it away from me and sending it to India?’”
Although under federal guidelines employers are required to sign a declaration that these foreign employees “will not adversely affect the working conditions” or lower their wages, thousands of American workers are being laid off, replaced by foreign workers and even forced to train them for their own jobs.
Many interviews with former employees reveal their view that foreign H-1B visa workers don’t necessarily have exceptional skills compared to their American counterparts. The Times also points out that the layoffs at Toys “R” Us and other companies are growing examples of how global outsourcing companies are using temporary visas to bring in these foreign workers to help ship out jobs, mainly to India.
Corporations and lobby groups such as Mark Zuckerberg’s, falsely claim that these H-1B visa workers create more jobs for Americans. In fact, there are far more U.S. graduates with STEM and IT degrees than there are jobs available.
Zuckerberg has been a big proponent of this. Spent millions on it. Though Breitbart will tell you they’re against him doing this, don’t expect them to tell you why he does it.

And yes, of course Toys “R” Us is also owned by Jews.