Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 10, 2013

In the wake of the Boy Scouts of America’s decision to allow openly homosexual boys to join the organization, a new Christian organization, Trail Life USA, has been launched, with a vow to disallow degenerate perverts into their ranks.
On Saturday, the group released a press statement which states that it was founded to “counter the ‘moral free fall’ of the nation, and raise a generation of faithful husbands, fathers, citizens and leaders. […] The genesis of the new group was the [Boy Scouts of America] leadership’s closely watched decision in May to change its membership policy and admit youth regardless of their sexual orientation or sexual preference.”
As the decision to allow homosexuals into the Boy Scouts was so overwhelmingly unpopular, given that the organization’s membership base is very traditionally-minded, the organization is likely to garner wide-spread support quite rapidly.
Here is the group’s promotional video:
They are going to catch quite a bit of flak, and I predict it will only be a matter of months before some Jew decides to take them to court over it, where they will succeed in getting overturned the 2000 Boy Scouts of America V. Dale ruling which ensures a limited right to freedom of association – a right which Jews despise, given that they so deeply desire that every part of our society should be riddled with filth (after the ruling, Jewish groups openly came out and condemned the organization). The Jews are suing everyone over this homo stuff these days, and winning, so the emergence of this new anti-gay organization gives them a great opportunity to have the ruling overturned.
We’ll see how it goes. I’m rooting for them. The Boy Scouts had a very great concept, which served our nation well for a long time, before they were infiltrated and conquered by the Jewish virus, and it is very good news that someone will be continuing their tradition of teaching valuable skills and morals to White boys.