Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 13, 2014

The whole Leith situation got so very messy, did it not?
Though I hate to say it, as I surely supported Cobb to begin with, this whole thing can now be viewed as exactly what you don’t want to do.
Cobb could have moved into the town and acted normal, got people there on his side. Instead he came in like a hurricane and started putting up swastikas and verbally attacking people.
Someone who was there for these events is in the process of putting together a film on them.
This documentary, while obviously taking a liberal approach, seems to be justified, in that the people really did not want him there, and all he did was create a ruckus.
Here is the description of the film, entitled Leith, N.D.:
Leith, North Dakota is a registered ghost town of 16-24 people. Its inhabitants are mostly farmers or ranchers, with land passed down generation to generation. The town has an apocalyptic beauty set against a prairie backdrop of wide-open sky and fields of wheat.
In May of 2012, an outsider named Craig Cobb moved in and started buying up property. He accumulated twelve plots of land, some empty, some with houses in various states of disrepair. People figured he’d moved in to be close to the Bakken oil fields some 70 miles north. Turns out he was a notorious white separatist who was plotting a takeover of the city government. Shortly after his plans were unveiled, a family of fellow white separatists moved in to start fixing up his properties.
Leith, N.D. is a short film offering a glimpse into a town struggling for sovereignty against one man’s extremist vision. Filmed in the days leading up to Cobb’s arrest for terrorizing the townspeople on an armed patrol, Leith, N.D. is an eerie document of American DIY ideals played out in one of the most under populated states in the nation.
I don’t want to attack Cobb. He, apparently, did things the way he thought they should have been done. But we need to think long and hard about how this turned out, and realize that if we want the people for us, we must be for the people.
Our ideology is one which could be very popular. But it must be normal. I don’t want to attack people, nor do I want to have drunks yelling things at them. I don’t want to make Americans feel uncomfortable. Our goal should be to replace the Republican Party as the voice of White America. Not to make everyone hate us.