Tranny Ax-Wielding Maniac Admits He is Insane and Possessed by Demons

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
July 22, 2018

I was absolutely certain that this article would start with, “local Florida man,” but I was wrong. This is an Australia story. Australia is like Florida writ large.

I think that this is somehow related to excessively warm weather. White people go crazy when they live in climates that are too humid and warm.

But that’s for another time, the key takeaway is this: this is your society on Jews.


An Australian man who identifies as a transgender woman defended himself in court on Thursday, claiming that he was either possessed by a demon or his mind was addled by drugs and therefore it was his body, not him, who attacked people at a 7-Eleven with an ax last year.

This isn’t even a lie. All transgender people are possessed by Demons. They rarely ever admit it though. The demon inside them doesn’t want to be revealed.

Evie Amati, the 26-year-old suspect, does not deny being bodily present at the time, but claims his* mind was somewhere else. Amati allegedly attacked two people with an ax at a 7-Eleven on January 7, 2017. The suspect then reportedly swung the ax twice at a man outside who managed to avoid the blows. Amati has pleaded not guilty to six charges, including two counts of wounding with intent to murder.

In court, Amati’s lawyer Charles Waterstreet asked, “At that stage, had you any idea of the damage that you’d done to persons by your body’s actions?” To this, the defendant responded, “No.”

This is a rare case indeed.

Few people are as delusional about the world and themselves as trannies. It is rare to see one of them break out of the demonic trance to tell us the truth.

I seriously want to hear someone try to explain to me how trannies are not possessed by demons.

What case can they possibly make?

It’s open and shut.

There is far more evidence pointing to demonic possession than not.