Transgender Man Gives Birth In Germany, Fights For Right To Be Called Baby’s Father

Huffington Post
September 11, 2013


A transgender man gave birth in Germany earlier this year, according to local media.

Though the Berlin man welcomed his child to the world in March, news of the remarkable birth did not make headlines in German media until this week. Now, the new parent is in court petitioning for the right to be called the baby’s father, Germany’s The Local reports.

The unnamed parent, who has undergone several hormone treatments but still has female reproductive organs, used a sperm donor to become pregnant. He gave birth at his home with the help of a midwife and waited several weeks to inform authorities.

As Spiegel Online notes, it was on April 11 that Berlin’s civil registry office informed the borough of Neukölln’s youth and health department of the atypical birth. The transgender man had registered the birth, filing for a birth certificate with his name as the father. He purposefully did not include the name of the mother.

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