Eli Stenson
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2015

On Monday the Pentagon announced that transgender freaks will be permitted to serve openly in the military come 2016. What a surprise, right?
Back in February we reported that the U.S. Army altered their policies in order to make it more difficult to discharge transgenders. At the time Palm Center director Aaron Belkin said that “this is a welcome step toward inclusive policy.” Unfortunately Belkin has been proven right.
In an echo of the Defense Department’s repeal of the ban on gays in uniform four years ago, Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter said he had directed the armed forces to devise new rules over the next six months that would allow transgender troops to serve, except in situations “where objective, practical impediments are identified.”
“We must ensure that everyone who’s able and willing to serve has the full and equal opportunity to do so, and we must treat all our people with the dignity and respect they deserve,” Carter said in a statement. He called the military’s current regulations “outdated” and said they were “causing uncertainty that distracts commanders from our core missions.”
It is estimated that over 15,000 transgender weirdos already serve in the military, though up until this point they have had to keep their gender identity mental illness a secret.
I said this in February and I’ll say it again:
Can you picture George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Erwin Rommel, or even Douglas MacArthur desiring to command an army consisting not only of transgenders, but also women, homosexuals, and uneducated non-Whites/criminals?
Yeah, I didn’t think so.