Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 13, 2015

The head of the NAACP in Spokane, Washington has been exposed as a White person who is pretending to be Black.
Rachel Dolezal gave an interview with USA Today wherein she attempted to defend herself, using the reasoning that she is Black in her mind.
“I do consider myself to be Black,” she says.
This is one of the biggest stories in years. Truly. Besides showing how completely insane White women are, it demonstrates clearly that Black privilege does exist and that people are willing to fake being Black in order to get in on it.
Beyond that, the fact that a fake Black is capable of being so much more successful (she was highly successful) than a real Black shows how totally incompetent Black people are.
Perhaps the most hilarious aspect is that it brings into question the whole Bruce Jenner tranny situation and the concept of deviant identity more generally.
The SJWs backed themselves into a corner and the chickens have come home to roost.
This woman was not born Black and yet she identifies as Black. What is the difference between that and a person who is born a man and identifies as a woman?
We are told that race is a social construct, we are also told that “gender” is a social construct. So does not this White woman have a human right to become a Black person if she so wishes?
What right do we have to stop her?
What right does the state now have to stop any White person from claiming to have been born in the wrong body and sweeping up all of the infinite privileges of being Black in America? Theoretically, you or I should now be able to check “Black” when we are applying for jobs, university admission or welfare and automatically get all of the perks that come along with this social position.
And anyone who questions us should be fired, immediately.
As such, I encourage you all to start checking “Black” on any and every form that asks for your race. If you are questioned, claim you are being discriminated against because of the color your skin is in your mind and call for backup from the NAACP or Jesse Jackson.
If we all become Black, we will not only make large-scale financial, political and social gains, but we will also prove that we are better at being Black than Blacks are.