Transracial Success: German Model Successfully Transformed into a Beautiful Nigger

Daily Stormer
June 28, 2017

Wow, she went from Skyrim character model to Oblivion character model – quite a downgrade, tbh. Also, she’s a nigger, now.

This is the end-game of the Jew-progressive victimhood ideology.

White women transforming themselves into literal Negresses in order to “upgrade” their status.

Too bad for her that her plastic surgeon fumbled the reference picture for her new look with one of the tar monster from Star Trek:

Easy mistake to make.


Martina Adams, AKA ‘Martina Big’, a white German model known for her size 32 S breasts, has claimed that she has successfully ‘transitioned’ into a ‘black woman’.

I only wish it was Jews transitioning into Negroes instead of White women.

It’ll be great, kikes! You’ll finally be able to play basketball.

Adams announced the “great news” via her public Facebook page in a post that has now been deleted, revealing, “I had done the next step in my transformation to a black woman. Yesterday I was with an African hairdresser and got a hair extension with curly, African hair.”

“To become more and more a black woman, that is such a wonderful feeling,” she wrote. “I’m so happy.”

Happy people don’t feel the need to be surgically altered into weird monsters.

Severe mental illness, combined with a bottomless sense of alienation and a hefty dose of Jewish brainwashing, are to blame here.

Or maybe it just looks better?

The photos posted by Adams show her skin chemically bleached to appear ‘darker’, and her wearing a black, curly wig. In the post, Adams added that she intends to further ‘transition’, promising to change “my hair structure, my facial features and enlarge my buttocks.”

Since the announcement of her physical change, Martina has received a substantial amount of backlash.

“This is absolutely disgusting. I can’t believe people are supporting this. You do realise this is nothing more than blackface in the 2010s? How are people so blinded by their ignorance to not correct this woman?” one user wrote.

This is pushing cultural appropriation to a whole new level.

It’s interesting to wonder about the fact that someone would voluntarily join an “oppressed” group like this. If Blacks and other minorities were truly the victim of brutal racism and victimization, would there be so many Whites eager to pretend to be a member of these groups?




The reality, of course, is that because of White guilt and the various social programs to uplift subhumans, pretending to be a minority is an immensely lucrative proposition, both in terms of social signaling potential and actual monetary rewards.

These “trans-monkey” people will get better job opportunities and more pats on the back than if they presented themselves as White.

And this is very enraging to the genuine monkey people, who see it as White people stealing their gibs and free attention.

I’m just enjoying seeing all these people tearing at each other’s throats.